Chapter 3

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Ella rolled to the side of the bed and heard the alarm clock blaring at her, mocking her exhaustion, as she pushed herself to get up. This wasn't a way to start a morning but would her alarm care? Nope. It didn't care that she only got two hours of sleep last night or that she'd tossed and turned dreaming of Miles' eyes and his sweet words. The clock said to get her ass up because it was time to crunch numbers at work. She gave a loud frustrating groan and slammed her hand on the clock, shutting its cry.

When she arrived at work, she had just parked her car when a black SUV drove up and Miles exited out of the car wearing a three-piece black suit that made her mouth water. Holy shit, this man was a walking God and he was coming straight at her. She lost the control holding her emotions together and her heel decided to crack under her weight at the exact time as he reached her, causing her to stumble forward into his arms. He caught her like the expert he was but he didn't let her go.

"Good morning," he whispered low. "If I had known you were this eager to see me, I'd have come to properly show you how much I missed you in your bed."

She pulled herself away just as Joy's car drove up and parked beside hers. She got out wearing a hot pink dress with sunglasses that she immediately removed as soon as she witnessed the scene before them. Ella made a face for her to leave but knowing Joy, she only smiled wider and came to introduce herself.

"Oh my, hello, I'm...her friend," Joy said catching her breath. Ella rolled her eyes, insanely annoyed at her friend who couldn't stop drooling. Wait, she had drooled too.

Miles smiled and took the hand she offered. "Hello, I'm Miles. I'm her...babe." Holy shit! He did not just say that! Ella turned to find him with a grin on his face and he wiggled his eyebrows at her, making the inside of her jumbled up. Joy laughed like a schoolgirl and hooked her arm around hers.

"Well, babe, we're late for work but lunch is at noon on the dot. Hopefully we can see you again?"

Miles smiled and said, "I'd like that."

As they turned to go in, he followed and Ella turned around to face him.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm your boss' 10 am."

Ella frowned and then she gasped loudly. "No! You can't do that, Miles!" She ripped her arm free from Joy's. "You cannot buy this company!"

"Why not? I've got the money."

"I work here!" she cried. "I love my job. You can't take that away from me."

He touched her cheek. "I'm not taking anything away from you, baby. I'm here to talk business numbers only. Your job, I won't touch. I know how talented you are. If anyone has anything else to say, they can meet me in my office, which will soon be right above yours."

Ella felt as if lunch took forever to arrive, mainly because since Miles rode the elevator upstairs, he hadn't returned. She hadn't expected him to do this, to buy the company she'd been working at. She loved her job. She was good at it. But if he became the new owner, wouldn't that put her in an awkward place? She clocked in but went home to bang the CEO? Wait, why was she talking about banging the CEO already when she was still undecided about her status with him?

"He's a hot CEO," Joy said beside her as she clacked at her computer.

"Uh, he's a dangerous CEO. I'm not even sure hot is the only term that fits him."

Joy smiled and her cheeks flushed. "He's like a sex God on legs for days. Man, you cannot have someone like him and not share."

Ella opened her eyes wide and slapped her friend's shoulder playfully. "You did not just say that!"

"I did too! So sue me. I'm notorious for being slutty." Ella laughed and then turned her head around when she heard Miles' voice echoing from the hall. Her boss, Travis, a tall, handsome man wearing a gray suit with a receding hairline entered the room with Miles beside him. Immediately Miles' eyes fell on her and she turned away, but Travis' voice calling her name had her standing and walking over.

"Ella, this is Miles, the new CEO of this company. Apparently, he's been raving about you and your talent. I had no idea the two of you were acquainted," Travis said.

Ella blushed and forced a laugh. "We're not, actually. My mother knows his stepfather." That wasn't a lie! But she saw Miles' eyes darken.

Travis laughed. "Oh, I see. Well, he will be moving into the office next week. You've done a tremendous job here on the floor but with Miles' recommendations, I'd like you to be his personal assistant. I hate to lose you but Miles has stated, he wants no one but you beside him. What say you to a new pay and a new position?" 

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