Chapter 5

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Ella woke to the sound of her cellphone buzzing and her eyes were heavy with exhaustion. She reached over to try to turn the sound off, which was causing her a headache, but she found that a heavy arm lay over her. She half turned and found a deeply asleep Miles behind her, naked as the day he was born, and she gasped. What happened? She forgot about the phone and shut her eyes, digging into her memories to try to remember what happened the night before. They were kissing, no, they were making out in the car, in front of the restaurant. Then he brought her to a hotel where he ordered drinks...drinks. Holy shit, she was so nervous that she downed a few shots of hard liquor she'd found in the cabinet while he was cleaning up in the bathroom. She wigged out of his hold and rushed to the bathroom where she flipped on the lights and shut the door. The image before her had her flushed. She had a just been made love to all night flush to her cheeks, her hair was tangled as if raked by his fingers, and her lips were swollen. By her neck were tiny little love bits and a few on her breasts. She reached for the towel behind her and wrapped it around her as she ran a hand through her hair. With shaking hands, she turned the water on and washed her face.

A soft knock came at the door. "Ella? Baby, are you ok?"

She turned the water off and wiped her face gently. "Uh, yeah. I'll be right out."

"Open the door."

"I'm naked."

"So am I." She had no way out of this. She opened the door and he stood there with a towel around his waist, his hair a mess from her fingers no doubt. He had a sly grin on his face and she felt a deep satisfaction from seeing his happiness. He walked in and tugged the towel from her, dropping it onto the ground. He removed his and reached over to turn on the shower. He pushed her into the tub and began to kiss her underneath the warm water.

"You were a beast last night," he whispered. "Are you sore?"

She shook her head. "No."

"Then I didn't do enough rounds," he whispered as he bit her ear. She gasped, her heart already hammering inside, her flesh rising with goosebumps. He reached for the soap and began lathering it up together, pulling her toward him to run his hands over her body.

"I've dreamt of washing you like this," he whispered. "I can't believe my dream has come true." The washing turned into a heated moment where she found herself panting in his arms, pleading for more than just washing.

"I never went back to work," Ella said as they sat from each other eating in the hotel room. They had dressed and Miles ordered room service for them. It was late in the morning and she was supposed to be at work. But here she was, in the hotel, with the CEO, after having made love with him. A smile appeared on his face as he forked together some eggs before answering her.

"You're working here with me," he said.

"I can't afford to lose my job."

"You're not. You're getting a raise and promotion."

Ella reached for the juice and held it in her hands. "The company has a policy against fraternization. What we just did is against the rules and I can be held accountable. I can't work for you if we are to continue this relationship."

Miles set his fork down and walked to her, leaning toward her. "Is that what is bothering you? That people will talk bad about you?"

"Yes," she replied as she moved away from him. "I love my job and I need to have stability when it comes to it. I can't risk losing it because I'm sleeping with the CEO. It is going to backfire and I'll never find another job elsewhere if they find out this part of my record."

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