Chapter 1- Indigo's Indigo

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Here in the Last World, near death experiences are quite un-common. Except for the unfortunate souls who attend Wild Rose Academy.

For me, a student and permanent resident of W.R, these happen at least twice a month.

So, when my best friend's spell blew up in my face, pushing me off my feet and knocking the breath from my lungs, I wasn't at all worried about being injured. I was more worried about how my normally crimson and black uniform was covered in indigo spell residue. Rude.

"Hey! Not cool!" I yell over to where I assume my best friend is standing. My eyes were stuck together and the blast had made my natural sense of direction all wonky. "Is this some kind of joke?! If there was a Zander colour, you'd be covered in it right now."

Zander (or as I call him, Zanni) says, "oh wow I'm sorry Indio! It was a genuine mistake!" I can hear him walking up to me and he places a towel on my head. "There you go!"

Miss. Aime watched all that with a face that was totally unreadable. Well, it was until she started cracking up. "Zander how many times did I tell you!? No colour in this enchantment!"

Now, I couldn't help cracking up at the look on Zanni's face after Miss. Aime said that. He sputters in an attempt to say something. There is a short pause, then Zanni stutters out, "o-oh.. but-but- I didn't!" His voice becoming more confident as he goes on. "I would never intentionally harm Indigo! I heard what you said the 2nd time!" He then goes quiet and mutters to himself, "or was it the 4th time?"

This earns an eye roll from Miss. Aime, and a chuckle from me. "Oh well! Anyone want to fess up? You won't get in trouble, I promise!" Miss. Aime says, genuinely. "Let's be honest, that was pretty funny!" The teacher adds on, with a sly smile.

No one says a thing. Miss. Aime just shrugs and hums a little tune, deciding what to do next.

That's just how Miss. Aime is, she's a great teacher and an even better sorceress! She's kind hearted, good natured and often likes to laugh at things like this. Though, if there ever is a situation where it is required, she can get very hostile, very quickly. Anyone who crosses her will be sorry.

I mean or so I've been told. Never seen that happen though, only heard the rumours. I wonder what happened that could cause her to go into such a rage.

Miss. Aime interrupts my thoughts, "Zander could you please take Indigo to her dorm to get changed?" This offends me a little, but not to much.

"You don't trust me to go on my own!?" I say, with mock anger.

"Of course I do Indigo. Don't you want company? Also, Zander just blew up his spell in your face, there's no need for him to be here anymore. It'll take longer than we have left in class to get back on par with the rest of us. Just take it easy in your dorm, do something productive, whatever. Just stay there till dinner, okay?" She says with a laugh.

Zanni and I make our way over to the door, and Miss. Aime returns her focus to the magic filled classroom that now held 15 students, instead of the regular 17.


No. Not regular 17. That's anything but regular! There should be more than 17 students in this age group. And all the other age groups too! Miss. Aime thinks to herself as she observes the class. Those traitors will pay. I will never forgive them for what they have done to our magic.

A student raises their hand and Miss.
Aime hurries over to help them, her rage forced to the back of her mind. Now's not the time. I need to focus on these kids. Star, the girl who raised her hand, explains the problem.

Miss. Aime returns to her desk, after helping the confused Star. She flicks through the 17 students in year 14 and 13 her mind, and pauses on one.

The precious Indigo.

The one who will save us. The one who will take our magic back. The one who will awaken the beast. The one who will soar above the rest. The one who will keep the very fabric of this universe together.

The one I must train and protect.

Our only hope.

The whole universe's only hope.


Casual 4th wall break:

No. I can hear you now, I don't give her special treatment.

WC: 777

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