Chapter 5- Dreams of Uncertainty

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As soon as Zanni said that my brain began to rapidly shut down. I don't know how, but I just knew. It was Them. No. No, not 'them' call that disastrous group by their real name. Eirian. They don't deserve the satisfaction of fear. Yet, I'm petrified of them. I can't bring myself to stop my mind as it starts to spira-

I feel Zanni wrap his arms around me, I melt into his embrace and my body begins to relax. I murmur "sorry Zanni" I gulp, he's not going to like this. "I-I think it's the Eirian."

Zanni tenses up, lets out an exhale and relaxes. "Okay. It'll all be fine Indigo! I won't let them get to you. No one will let them touch our magic." He gently pushes me away from him and holds me at arms length, locking eyes with me. "Indigo is there anything you need to tell me about them? Something that could help me understand?"

Something stirs at the back of my mind, but I don't dare reach for it. Those 7 years with the Eirian were rough, so much so that my mind seems to repress the memories. The last time I tried to recall too much from that experience, I was overwhelmed with long forgotten feelings I wish to never feel again.

The storm in my eyes must have alerted Zanni to my thoughts. He deflated a bit, but didn't ask anything more.

We sit in comfortable silence until Zanni breaks it and whispers, "do you think we should tell someone? Maybe Miss. Aime be-"

"NO!" I cut Zanni off. My eyes widening at the thought. "Sorry, but we can't. Miss. Aime will freak out and she's already done a lot for me. It'll just make everything more complicated." Zanni looks at me, worry and curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

Telling Miss. Aime isn't an option. She'll go all "Aimie" and blow this up to more than it is. The Erian wants something with me? Fine. I can deal with it on my own, and if Zanni insists I guess he could help too. Yes. Miss. Aime will just get herself and others hurt.

"I should go. I-"... "I need some time alone to think." I say, uncertainly.

"Well... tell me if you change your mind or have any ideas on what we should do." Zanni says, squeezing my hand as I get up. I walk to the door and turn the handle. "Good night Indigo. Try to get some sleep, okay?" He attempts a small smile and I smile back at him. I close the door and start walking to my dorm.

A sudden wave of uncertainty rushes over me, like I've awaken from a trance. I start to second guess my decision to not tell Miss. Aime. How had I been so certain about it? She is the closest thing to a parent I've ever had. What was that feeling? Again, the feeling comes back. The feeling that I just shouldn't, along with all the reasons not to.

I shake it off and rush to unlock my dorm.

I fall onto my bed, not even bothering to take my hair out of its ponytail.

I stumbled through well known corridors, wishing, hoping, praying I wasn't being summoned by Red. Wait, no, NO. Not Red, Merah, Merah Cardinal. That is our leader's name, she trusted us with it. —
I didn't disrespect her, my magic went haywire. What I saw, yeah that was a figment of my imagination. Yeah.
"Ouch!" I heard the voice before I had registered I had even bumped into someone. This was the person I was dreading, the one who-

I jolted awake, breathing heavily. My eyes frantically flying around the room looking for anything to help me decipher where I was. Oh gosh, R- Merah didn't do anything right? She promised that that was the last time! Did she find out. WHERE THE HECK AM I?!?

Then I saw it, a little frame, with my first ever student card from W.R.

And that's where I am, at Wild Rose Academy, in my room. My room, not the bunk room in Eirian, my room.

My room, my room, my room, my room, my room.

My. Room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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