Chapter 2- World(s)

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Walking down the empty, sunlit corridor, I had a moment to think. Zanni, the bestest friend someone could ask for, had said something to me the other day. I'm not sure why, but it stuck out to me and I couldn't stop thinking about it. "What do you think you'll be doing 20 years from now?"

I had never thought about it before, I'd always just pictured me and Zanni living here forever. Now that I consciously think about it though, that's not really an option... is it? I would get my World Hopping certified, and then what? For most people this wouldn't bother them, I'm 14 and I have at least until 24 to figure that out. It still troubles me though.

Me and Zanni have been here at W.R for 7 years, it's the only home I've ever known. That class of 17, well they're like my siblings.

You see, Wild Rose Academy is a place for the magically gifted. Kids being sent from all across the lands to as soon as they show signs of magic. Most that's between the ages 8-12, but I've been showing signs of some greater power ever since January 2, 2037. (The day I was born.) I should have been sent to Wild Rose right then and there. My parents though, they refused. Not because they loved me and wanted to keep me, hell no! My parents didn't even name me before selling me to Them.

Them. The people trying to take the Last World's magic away. They have been offering up large sums of money for kids with magic that has not yet been shaped. I don't remember much about my time there, except for the fact that they hate the Last World. With a red, angry, fiery, passion.

They were the ones to name me. They have a weird obsession with colours, every kid who is taken or bought by them is renamed after some sort of colour. It's super weird!

Oh, did I mention?
They're not from the Last World.
They're based on World 24.
In another dimension.

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