!!Important Announcement Pls Read!!

971 22 1

Date: 6/11/2023


Every time I revisit this story to continue it I am unsatisfied and wish I could have planned more. So this story is getting completely rewritten as in the plot and some characters. Though some of the parts will stay the same in hindsight, they will change and get a whole new meaning. 

Some other things that will be getting a redo will be {Y/n} herself. She will be nerfed in some ways, I feel like I keep changing her and she is inconsistent in how she acts. Along with this some of the love interests will be changed (not the character itself).

For the time being this story will be on hiatus and I don't know when it will return. Hopefully by the end of this or next month. Thank you for supporting this story, I never expected it to get where it is now at 26.2K reads. 


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