𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝐼𝑡'𝑠 𝐷𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒, 𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝐴𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 - ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕦𝕖

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Hello everyone, this is the first chapter of the second book, WLUTL or "What Lies Under The Light..."  (the first book being LDGE, or Life Does Get Easier).  If you are someone new, or returning and haven't already read the first book, you probably should.  Although, this chapter will give you a recap of everything that had happened in the last book.  It is better for you to read the actually story, rather than the recap, I hope you understand.  Now then, go read.


Evan's Journal

"Um... hi? This is my first time writing in a journal, or well, any notebook in general. Gregory gave this to me, as he knew how bad my anxiety can be, he thought that this could be a good stress reliever, to calm my mind."

"So let me start off by introducing myself, my name is Evan, Evan Afton. I am 13 years old, I have a sister named Elizabeth, and a brother named Michael."

"my likes are my sister, Gregory (AKA, My Boyfriend), my friends; Jeremy, Susie, Gabriel, Cassidy, and Fritz. My best friend, Fredbear (Although, I never really use him as much as I did before), he's a stuffed animal, kind of babyish, but I like him.  I enjoy music, artists like Dido, or The Weekend.

"My favorite food is... I don't have one. I guess, it could be something sweet, or has a nice crunch really."

"My dislikes are bullies, my brother, and my father."

"I think that's everything you need to know with me, I hope so.  Anyways i will be writing down about whats happened to me in these last 2 months." 

"I was so alone, so scared, and overall, feeling the need to end it all.  Everyday I would come into school tormented.  I thought that I would never be able to last this year, until luckily someone came.  This person seemed to shine so bright, that they could shine brighter than the sun.  His presence was so... beautiful.  His smile would be so perfect, it would make me do circles in my stomach.  His name was Gregory.  He had moved into Utah, living with his adopted parents, Freddy, and Vanessa.  We first met each other when he sat down right next to me in math class.  Before, I was a closeted student, mute to the end.  Nothing, or anyone could make me speak.  But he did."

"He first asked me who I was, if I wanted to work with him.  He was so sincere, that I thought it was all a ruse.  I continued to be quiet, and my only communication was pencil, and paper,  he asked me if I could show him where his classes were.  I looked at his sheet, and saw that we had many of the same classes except for one, it seemed like my life maybe was getting a little easier, classes with someone who's really nice, and polite to me? It was a miracle.   Eventually we had to separate, but we met back up in lunch... and well... that didn't end so well. I was getting pushed around by bullies, and they were beating me up. I felt myself getting drowned into despair, as my I could feel my heart beating faster, I could it thumping. I could feel myself shaking, even as I'm writing I could still feel myself shaking from fear, but by some miracle, Gregory came back, and beat them all up by himself! It was amazing,  , I didn't even notice he picked me up in his arms, carrying me to the nurse, until we were half way there." 

"I then woke up in the nurses office, Gregory right by my side.  It seemed like he was very worried for me... like he really did care.  I can still remember the words he said, "I won't ever hurt you, that's not what friends do.", so at the end of gym class, I spoke. He seemed very taken aback by my voice, but was very nice about it. We eventually became very close, we would always talk in class (him doing most of the talking of course), walk to our classes together, share food, his mom even gives me a ride home everyday."

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