𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐶𝑎𝑛'𝑡 𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 - 𝟛

420 10 44

Evan's POV

As soon as I walked out the door, I instantly felt my whole body heat up. I literally felt like I was ON FIRE! I quickly rush into the bathroom, and splash some water on my face. It helped cool my face down, but my face was still very red.  It felt like the entire room was a Sauna, and it was cooking me at nice low flame.  I put my hands on the counter, looking deep into the sink, the water showing a little bit of my reflection. I frowned, that was so weird of me to do...

"Why did I do that?..." I questioned, looking up at myself in the mirror. It was like I was a whole different person... a flirtatious, affectionate person. It was like something in me just... gained confidence.  Maybe it's just some weird phase or whatever, but no phases would ever do that to you right? My heart was beating fast out of my chest, as I took deep breaths, and counted down from 100 by 3.

"100, 97, 94, 91..." As I counted down, eventually I calmed down enough that I wasn't freaking out anymore. I sighed, I hope Gregory isn't mad at me for what happened... I should probably apologize.

After I thought of the correct choice of words for my apology I left the bathroom, and went downstairs. Gregory was already there, putting his shoes on, he looked at me before turning his head away, his face was a little red. I frowned, before I walked up to him, putting on my shoes, thinking about what I was going to say.

"Um... Gregory?" I said, he didn't look at me. I sighed, cmon Evan... just say it.  Why was it so hard to say the words 'I'm sorry'? I swallowed the lump in my throat, "G-Gregory... I'm sorry... I-I don't know what came over me.  I hope you aren't mad at me..." I trail off, my voice becoming more of a whisper.  I heard a small chuckle,  he turned to me, grabbing my hand, as he began speaking.

"Y'know... I never knew you had a side like that....  I like it, it makes you more badass-"  Before he then whispered into my ear.

"-And very hot..." I felt my face heat up, as I pushed him away, covering my face with the sleeves of my hoodie.  (Yes MY hoodie, I'm stealing his hoodie, and there's nothing he, or anyone can do about it!). When I looked at him he didn't seem to be angry, or mad at me, but... happy? How can he be happy, when I was overstepping his boundaries? My thoughts were interrupted when Vanessa came out of the kitchen.

"Alright Lovebirds, are you two done? Cause we gotta go." Vanessa said, looking at her wrist like she looking at an imaginary watch.  I look at the time on the wall, '7:30?!'  Crap! We gotta go!

"I-Um... yes! We're ready!" I say, looking at Gregory who slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"Alright, let's go!" Vanessa then quickly walked in front of us, and to the car. Gregory opened the door for me, I smiled at him, walking outside and into Vanessa's car. 

I opened the car door, and sat myself down. Gregory came from the other side.  I sighed, I pulled out my phone, scrolling through social media.  Gregory helped set up some profiles for me, though I didn't want to show my face on the internet.  I kept the profiles blank. 

'How to make Potato Wedges,,, by HowtoBasic?' Curiously, I clicked on the video, my volume all the way down.  It started normally... before... eggs.  Just eggs. 

I felt a little uncomfortable with the actions in the video, so I clicked off, and turned off my phone, to look outside the window.  I looked as I watched the houses, and kids who walked to school, zoom by. 


I felt a little tap on my shoulder.  I jumped a little, before turning to Gregory.  He put his hand out, and gave me a headphone, an AirPod I think it was? I blinked, and looked at him confused.  He mouthed to 'put it in my ear'

What Lies Under The Light? (Gregory X Evan, Book 2) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora