𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑂𝑓 𝑀𝑦 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 - 𝟚

422 9 29

Evan's POV






I exhaled slightly, listening to Gregory's soft breaths as he slept. He held me, as did I, it was very warm and comfortable. Sleeping on his chest, and listening to his heart beating. A soothing feeling I felt, something that I forever wish to have, and never to be interrupted doing so.

Sadly however, the interruption today was Monday. Pretty soon, this moment will have to come to an end. I took a deep sigh, and snuggled my head further into my boyfriends chest, hoping that today would go away and never comeback.

However, there was something really on my mind. It was last night. Gregory had said that it was just a horrible nightmare, which he said that "it was just a normal nightmare".

However, I knew better. In his sleep, he muttered the word "Stop", before he started sobbing in his sleep. When I woke him up, I wanted to ask him about what he said. However, I bit my tongue, Gregory could get very grumpy if you keep nagging him about something, (I know from experience) so I decided to leave it for now.

Now that I've thought about it... Gregory hasn't really told me anything about when he was younger... though I've told him a lot about me, more than I would have liked. Something's I haven't even told my sister...

He would always dodge my questions about his past, saying "It wasn't terrible," or "it wasn't bad." It kind of started to worry me a little. I knew Gregory would never really tell his feelings to anyone. He always wanted to show everyone that he was okay, but I knew deep down, he wasn't...

I want to help him, but I don't know how... he's like an unsolved Rubix Cube, that no matter how many times you turn it's sides, it won't be even.



I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was a text from Elizabeth. I smiled a little, we haven't had a brother and sister bond in a while, I hope she isn't thinking that I was ditching her, to hang out with Gregory.

I shook my head, before taking my phone out of my pocket (making sure not to wake up Gregory), reading the message she sent.


Hey Ev, you didn't come home yesterday when you were supposed to... you know how Micheal can be.

6:49 am


Oh sorry... I kind of forgot to, me and Gregory were finishing up homework, before we both passed out...

6:51 am

I put my phone back in my pocket again, before sighing.  Micheal will be very mad at me for not coming home yesterday, let's just hope he isn't that mad, I remembered the time a month when he beat me so badly just for being a little bit late home... I don't want to find out what would happen if I didn't come home yesterday! A day late!

I sighed, and calmed my racing heart, before deciding that it was time to get up, school didn't start until 8:30.  So I propped myself on top of Gregory, sitting on his stomach, before tapping his nose. 

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