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Elizabeth Swan

I've never cared how I would die. I mean its going to happen to everyone at some point so why should I fear it or care? All I know is that when my time comes; whenever it is I will be ready.

My older sister and I are moving to the cold and wet forks Washington to live with our dad, Charlie. He's the most boring dad ever. All he does if eat drink beer work fish and repeat. I don't think I've ever had a real conversation with the guy.

You must be wondering if I don't like him so much then why would I be moving with him? And the answer to that is my annoying and super controlling sister, Bella. I'd much rather be in the sun or pool with my friends but since my step dad Phil is a minor league baseball player Bella came up with the very stupid idea of going to live with Charlie in forks while our mother gets to travel the united states  with her new husband. So. Unfair.

"C'mon I love you all, but we have a plane to catch." Phil yelled from the car. Sometimes I wish Phil was my dad instead of Charlie, he was so much cooler, he even taught me how to shoot a gun once. 

I was more hesitant to walk to the car. God, I wish Bella would have talked this over with me instead of just putting it out there at dinner. 

When we finally got off the plane in Washington. It looked like we were in a whole different season than before. The sun wasn't out and everything looked gloomy. I can't wait till its time to go back home. 

Walking to the exit of the terminal I seen our dad, Charlie. He had on a blue flannel and some baggy pant with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He looked so awkward. As soon as we got closer to him he gave Bella a awkward hug. I walked right passed him and straight to get my suitcases. 

The ride to Charlie's house was very silent and long.

"Your hair grew longer."

"I've cut since the last time I saw you."

"Guess it grew out again."

This was pathetic. He was pathetic. Trying to make small talk with the most awkward person ever was a complete fail. 

I saw his eyes look toward me in his rear view mirror. I hope he doesn't try to talk to me next. I crossed my arms and faced the window trying to show him I have the least bit of interest having a conversation with him.

"You look older since I last saw you Elizabeth." 

"Duh, obviously I'm going to look older. Its been 3 years."

When we finally got to his house and he showed us to our rooms; they were right across from each other and in between them was the bathroom. The only bathroom.

This was going to be a long year. So I might as well try to make the best of it.

After I got unpacked Bella came into my room.

"Hey Uhh are you done packing?"

"Yeah. Now that I think about it I'm really going to need to repaint my walls. This bright pink is definitely not gonna work." She laughed at that. Maybe she thought I was getting more comfortable with the move. Which I was not by the way.

"Oh yeah? what are you thinkin?"

"Light blue, maybe teal."

"Well there's people outside. You wanna go down their?" 

"I guess." I shrugged. We both made our way outside.

"El, Bella you both remember Billy Black." Charlie asked but it sounded like more of a statement.

"Yeah. Wow your lookin good." Bella shook his hand I stayed back. I for one didn't remember him nor the boy standing next to him. "yeah well I'm still dancing. I'm glad you two are finally here. Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told you girls were comi'n."

"Alright, keep exaggerating and I'll roll you into the mud." "after I ram in the ankles." Billy replied before they began rough housing. 

"H-hey I'm Jacob, we uh we used to make mud pies when we little." The long haired boy stated walking close up to my sister. He was weird, but not like an awkward weird, like a middle crush weird. 

Jacob Black definitely had a crush on my sister.

"Right no, I remember." She obviously was lying. "Are they always like this?" I butted in, our fathers were acting like little kids. "It's getting worse with old age."

"So... what do you think?" Charlie asked Bella hitting the rusty old car. "Of what?" God could she get any stupider? "Your homecoming present." 

By now I just tuned them out. The truck was a rusty orange and looked old. I have no idea why Bella was so excited to get this piece of junk. I stayed quiet. Before we got to the airport mom reminded me that if I didn't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all, so I guess my time here will be spent in a whole lot of silence, and that's if I could even keep my stupid mouth closed.

My whole life my mouth has always been a problem of mine. Always getting me into trouble because half of time I didn't have anything nice to say. Mom put me in therapy because of it. I don't think I needed it though it didn't help. I still could never see the 'good side' of things no matter what it was. It was always easier for me to make enemies rather than friends. In fact the only friends I had were the same ones as Bella; that's how I usually made friends through her. That's also one of the reasons why me and her are so close even though were so different. She was also the only one who could really handle my anger. Every time I would get into a fight she'd always be the one to break it up, wash off all my bruises and put bandages over them. She was actually a really good big sister despite her stupidity. I may not like her but I do love her.

Don't get me wrong though I don't mean to be the way I am, I don't mean to always be so angry. Actually I hate always being so angry and that just makes me angrier. Most of the time when I get so angry I just end up losing control and start attacking anyone around me but sometimes when I feel it coming I end up going in my room and destroying everything in it and the one person there to help me pick up pieces is my sister. Also another reason why love her is because no matter what I do she's always their to help fix it. Out of everyone in the whole world I knew I could trust her with anything. We had a certain kind of bond like no one else. We didn't have to talk to each other or laugh with each other to know it was still there. We could be arguing and telling each other I hate you and still know we have each other's back.

That was just one thing about me and Bella. Were Best friends. We were Sisters.

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