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Forks High School

  The first day at our new school has gotten off to horrible start. As soon as Bella parked her car it made this loud boom sound as if it were going to break down, It caught the attention of a lot of people in the parking lot which was just great.

     As soon as the truck stopped moving I got out. Its cold, I hate it here. Bella finally caught up with me when I got inside the school. "Your not liking it here already?" "Bella, I never liked it here. There's nothing to like."  "maybe try a sport?... You've always been ath-" Bella sentence was cut short by a boy coming from behind us.

"Hi! I'm Eric. The eyes and ears of this school. Anything you need? Tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?" "un un, I'm leaving, This is too weird." Is this what people did in high school? just walk up to you randomly and offer stuff to you? I mean I guess he was trying to be nice but he just came off to strong.

Finally I found the front office. Opening the door I see a older woman at the front desk. "Uh I was supposed to come here to get my schedule and campus map." "Ah yes, You must be Elizabeth Swan. Freshman?" "Yeah." She turned around in her seat and gave me two papers off the back desk. "Here you go dear. You can ask anyone for help if you get lost and your tardies will be excused all today since it's your first day."  "Okay"

Leaving the office I looked down at my schedule. 

P.1 History - 104

P. 2 Math RM - 121

P.3 Science - 335

P.4 Biology - 067

B Lunch - Lunch Hall

P.5 P.E - Building C

P.6 Art - 032

My Mornings off to a bad start. All classes that I failed in at my old school are all first up. Maybe I would have someone like Eric in this class that'll let me copy off them.

I got to History 10  minutes late. The teachers names is Miss. Bartholomew, she sounds like a bitch. "You must be Elizabeth Swan, Your late, What a great first impression." All I could do was roll my eyes. Of course I'm late, this school is huge and this map only says the name of the buildings, Not the classroom numbers.

"You can sit right up front next to my desk." I quickly walked over to the seat dropping my things on the desk. She turned around righting some meaningless things on the board. She needs to comb her hair the back is sticking up and has knots in it. 

The rest of the class goes by slowly but I just keep zoning out. Its hard to stay focused on something so boring for so long. 

 Lunch came. As soon as I got to the lunch room I spotted Bella seated at a table with other people. I didn't really want to sit with them so looking around I saw a full vacant table by a window. I was conflicted for a moment. Should I sit with Bella or by myself. 

I could not decide.

Then the boy from the morning went to sit at the table with them. Never mind, I'll sit by myself. 

I started making my way over to the empty table passing Bella's table. As soon as I got close to the table I heard my name being called. "Lizzy! Liz!" It was Bella. 

I'm starting to hate this whole 'going to the same school as my sister' thing a whole lot more. I could play this off. I turned around and waved at her and tried to proceed walking towards the table but she called me again.

"Liz! Come over here!" I didn't move, I  just stood there.

 I am not going over there and sit with a group of annoying people who gossip all day. Quickly I kept on walking in the direction but passing the table and leaving out through the glass door. 

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