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Forks High School

He's cute I guess. He stares a lot though.

The whole class period he stared at me, It was creepy to be honest and annoying, So was his accent.

When the bell rang everyone left class quickly, well except me. I took my time putting my things away and as I was looking down at my backpack I noticed two feet standing in front of me. Waiting.

"Can I help you?" I asked looking up. It was him, He was holding both of his backpack straps like a dork and he was smiling. He's weird.

"I wanted to walk you to your next class." Who is this dude? Why the hell is he so annoying? I zipped up my backpack walking out of the class quickly. I turned the corner and walked down stairs to my locker.

Once I was there I noticed him from the side of eye. He followed me. What a creep. "Uh here I can help you open your locker." He said and quickly turned the dial unlocking it.

I never told him my code. I looked over at him and he was already looking at me. I decided not to say anything about it and just grab my books.

I don't want him to walk with me to class. He's a bother. "I don't need you to walk me to class I can get there myself." I said and walked away from him quickly. I looked back making sure he wasn't following me this time.

He wasn't, but he was looking at while I walked away though.

I guess I should have let him walk me there though because by the time I got to my class there were only 15 minutes left. There'd be no point in going at that point so I just left and sat on one of the benches in the front.

Some other kids were leaving already. I would leave too if I didn't have to wait for stupid Bella. Finally the bell rang and all the kids came flooding out of the school smiling and meeting up with there friends.


Friends were stupid. You smile and laugh in there face and after leave you talk shit about them with your other friends. You steal each others boyfriends, get jealous when one succeeds, lie to each other, and grow apart. They were all temporary and just made your life harder.

I didn't need them, but don't get me wrong I had them but they were just place holders so I didn't look like a loner or depressed. So when one would leave I'd just replace them with someone similar.

In my eyes there was always someone who could replace you, that's why I'd never stress about drama or what people say behind my back because I'd just get someone else to fill in there spot. I didn't have to like them or anything. I rarely did like the people around me because they were so caught up in themselves to notice anything else around them. That's how everyone was. I got pulled out of my thoughts when Bella came rushing out of school with a annoyed expression on her face.

Was she mad that I didn't want to sit with her at lunch or something? Once we got in the car she sat there for a minute. "Bella if your mad that didn't want to sit with you at lunch don't worry about it. I never wanted to sit with you at our old school I just didn't feel like hearing you beg, but you really out did yourself this time with those weirdo's you were sitting with. I just couldn't put myself through that." I explained trying to make her feel better about the whole situation.

"I'm not mad you... it's just there's this weird guy... he was in my class and he acted as if I stunk or something and just stared at me the whole class... and when I went up to the office he was trying to get out of the class." To be honest I really don't care about this boy drama she seems to have. After a few minutes of silence I knew I had to say something. "...Well did you stink?"

"No! I-I didn't I'm sure I didn't... but that's not the point. He was acting...weird." "Maybe all the boys are like that here." I mumble  "What?" she asked and looked over at me making me roll my eyes.

"I said can you drive. We've been sitting here too long." As she drove out of the parking lot I just stared out the window. Everything looked boring and there was no sunlight. I can't wait till we can go back home.

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