21 1 0

Forks, Washington

      After I walked out of my last class of the day Rosalie; my older bossier sister was waiting for me at the door but before I could ask her what she was doing she started pulling me out of school by my arm rather quickly.

She finally stopped when we got to our cars where everyone else was except for Edward. He was my ride and he left me forcing me to ride with one of my other siblings.

   Don't get me all wrong I love and get along with all of my family but they all tend to treat me like I'm a little baby and I'm not, actually I'm older than almost all of them. Edward on the other hand treats me like more of an equal and we've also known each other longer than the rest of them. Edward was like my real brother.

    "C'mon your getting in the car with me and Emmet" Rosalie says pushing me in the now open door. Once we were on the road; and driving rather quickly might, I add I finally asked the question thats been on my mind since we walked into the parking lot.

    "Excuse me; Rosalie?, Emmett? But Why has Edward fled school so quickly? He knows I always ride with him." I asked but they both just looked at each other and gave me no answer. This means something definitely is up but I decided to stay silent for the rest of the ride home so I can ask Carlisle and Esme for an answer.

As soon as we pulled into our driveway I got out and sped into the house where I saw Edward inside having a deep conversation with Esme and Carlisle. "Edward whats going on with you? Are you alright mate?" I asked him walking towards their direction.

"I- It's jus-" he stopped his sentence letting out a sigh while he began walking up to me putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked at it curiously. "I'm going to have to leave for a little while. It's hard for me to explain." He said. "But Edw-" he interrupted me before I could finish my sentence. "Goodbye for now Elijah." He bid before he sped to the garage, started his car and left without another word.

"I-" I was interrupted once again but by Esme this time. "It's for the best honey... Edward met his bloodsinger, Isabella Swan. He just needs time to get his thirst in order before he comes back." She said softly while she put her hand on my shoulder.

"But- where has he gone?" I asked looking toward the door. "He's with our cousins in Alaska." She replied staring at me. I guess she was trying to read me and I was just too confused to say anything else.

After a couple seconds I sped to my room using my gift to close the door behind me.

So the sister of my Soulmate is my brother's blood singer? Odd. How did Alice not see all of this coming?

After I collected all my thoughts I went downstairs where the rest of my family was. I could smell the tension from a mile away, everyone was thinking about Edward. I decided to sit down on one of the stools at the kitchen island.

After Edward left and made my supposed to be 'best moment of my existence' about him I don't know if I should bring her up but I cant seem to get her off my mind.

I cant stop thinking about her smell, or her hair, or her eyes or her scowl, or her walk. She was absolutely perfect.

"Elijah!" I was knocked out of my thought by Alice. "Did you hear what I said?" She asked. I looked around the room and everyone was looking at me. I guess she was probably calling me for a minute.

"I- no my apologies sister." I admitted. "I said have you talked to the girl?...Yknow your mate?" She ask looking concerned.

"Yes I have but I'm not sure she likes me very much." "What do you mean?" Rosalie asked.

"Well when i tried to make conversation with her she sort of told me off and I tried to help her get to her next class she denied it and left rather than quickly... she even made fun of the way I talk." I anwered looked towards the ground.

"Maybe she was just mad about something else and took it out on you girls do that alot." Alice said being her usual optimistic self.

"Eh I dont know maybe, but before Edward left he suggested I asked you all what I sould do." I said looking around room noticing everyones full attention was on me at the moment.

Thats one thing I like about my family. We never try to leave everyone out and we listen to one another and talk things through, its why we worked so well together was because instead of arguing we listened.

"I say you persue her, but take it slow and stay cautious to not let her figure out our secret. Become her friend and see where
It goes from there." Esme spoke up, I often came to her whenever I had a issue because she gave the best advice and always has my best interest.

"I agree with you. Let her take the lead and if she feels like you two could be more than friends then proceed but right now just be friends."

Friends. Yeah I can do that but now i have to figure out how. How can i get her to be friends with me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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