711 lot

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• Note •
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this is not a good story i need some requests. constructive criticism is accepted.
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matt's taking us to 7 11, me and nick sit in the back seat singing along to doja cat. chris in the front complaining about the song choices im making on aux.

"COME OOON! play one good song, just one." he holds his finger in front of my face. i grab his hand and hold it as a mic.

"I JUST MADE A HUNDRED K IN TWO WEEKS LIL BITCH, DO YOU NEED ME TO PULL IT UP?" i sing as he snatches his hand away. " chris stop being grumpy."

"yeah we should be having fun" nick hold chris' shoulders bouncing the two of them to the music.

"let go nick" chris says frustrated, "stop touching me" he finally smiles.

"there's that pretty little smile" i say pinching his cheek. "aww how cuute!" nick says doing the same. as we pull into the parking lot to 7 11 i pull out my wallet so the guys can go in and get my snacks for me.

i hand my card to chris but he looks at me like it's infected. "whats wrong with you?" i say laughing.

"im not going in there, i thought you were gonna bring me my snacks"

"absolutely not."

"well shucks looks like you're stuck sitting in here with me" he says is a dumb voice.

matt turns and takes my card and the list of snacks i want. "ok two packs of sour skittles and a watermelon red bull?" he repeats.

"yes sir"

"can you fill up the tank while me and nick go in?"

"yeah no problem." him and nick head into the store. chris yells out the window " YOU DIDNT ASK WHAT I WANTED!"

matt and nick turn, "oh sorry, did you want something other than two pepsis and candy?" nick asks. chris stays quiet as matt shakes his head. i fill up the tank and get back in the van.

"bro what's taking them so fuckin long?" chris asks. "i dunno maybe you should go in and check."

"nah im too tired." chris says before he leans his seat back onto me. he goes on instagram and i just lay my head on his to watch reels with him.

the boys get back and nick hops in immediately saying "AWWW LOOOK MATT! they're such sweet little kids."

"shut up nick" chris says. matt tosses 2 pepsis at chris and they hit him right in the nuts. chris shoots up hitting me in the chin.


"oh shit y/n im so sorry, i didn't mean to i swear" he says holding my chin. "it's fine chris." while i take his hands off my face.

he sits his seat up, embarrassed.

"oop." nick says quietly. "nick shhh." i try not to laugh.

we get back to the house and me and the boys are sitting in nicks room watching terrifier 2. matt and nick fall asleep leaving me and chris on the floor.

"chris..." i whisper.


"sorry for earlier."


"when you were holding my face and i took your hands off you looked upset."

"oh... it's cool"

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