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"shut up chris"

"be quiet both of you"

i hear the boys. i wake up to see the three of them around me nick's phone right in my face.

"niiick" i say pushing his phone away and stretching.

"good morning sleeping beauty.." nick replies

"you've got a little something there" matt pokes my face laughing. i touch my cheek looking at my hand i see a smudge of black. i grab my phone to see what it is on my face is drawn big whiskers and a little black button nose, and big buck teeth under my top lip.

"OH MY GOD!" i get up and yell "who did this?" matt and nick immediately point at chris.

"OH FUCK YOU GUYS!" he yells right before i tackle him on the bed.

nick records the situation while matt sits on his phone waiting for us to tire ourselves out.

"can you hurry up and win this fight y/n, im hungry"

"im hungry toooo." nick says

i kick chris off the bed, as he thuds on the ground i suggest, "you guys want ihop?" popping right back up chris runs out the door meanwhile i wash my face in nick's bathroom, 5 minutes later coming back dressed and ready.

"come on hurry we gotta get french toast"

"it's not going anywhere chris" i say passing him in the doorway. chris follows me as i head to his room.

"what do you think you're doing?"

"getting dressed?" i reply

"i think you're confused, you're clothes aren't in my room cutie."

"i know"

"so youre gonna wear my clothes"


"nope" he says emphasizing the "p" before i could.

i run the rest of the way to his room and lock the door i pick my favorite sweater and sweats of his and a pair of sunglasses. right as i open the door he picks me up (sweeping me off my feet) and throwing me down on his bed he stands over me and tickles my ribs.


he stops, smiling, hands holding my waist. it's not unusual to be close with him but there's tension. he's tense.

"ALRIGHT CRAZY KIDS!" nick yells, matt chimes in " break it up you two."

chris stands up straight fixing his hat and rolls his shoulders pushing past the other boys in the door way. matt goes to follow chris.

"did we interrupt something?" nick asks breaking the silence while we walk to the car.

"i don't think so"

• at ihop •

the boys and i are sitting at the table. we usually ask for kids menus just to stay entertained but not too loud. but chris was still off. i dont know if i should say something. maybe not now.

"hi, can i get you something to drink?" our waitress asks.

nick starts ordering for the two of us, then matt, lastly chris.

"and you handsome?"

i didn't even hear his order or the conversation for a short while after that. it's normal to expect a waitress to make comments like that, that's what they say in movies.  but this waitress was our age,  she couldn't be younger than 18. that was flat out flirting and it bothers me.

"didn't they call this ihob for a little?" matt asks snapping me out of my own head.

"i dunno"

"oh great now they're both upset" nick says.


after we order and the waitress comes with our food i look at chris' plate of french toast and see there's a heart around it.

"damn chris your getting girls even when you're bitchy." nick says. chris looks up at me.

he can tell, he knows it upset me how she was acting.

"here." he trades me plates for my plain french toast,"i dont want her thinking she's getting anywhere."

i smile a little, i know he notices, and i can see the tiniest smile back.

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