chapter 1- the badlands

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Luigi and Mario were climbing on the pipes to get to the pressure valve and stop the flooding in Brooklyn.
nobody asked them to do this, they just decided to save the city from the flood, that they might have caused? Technically they didn't cause the flood it was the dog who ran into the pipe.
I guess if we can't blame the dog for eating our homework then we can't blame the dog for ramming into a metal pipe like an idiot.
Oh well, we might as well fix our mistakes before we all die.

Luigi was climbing underneath, clinging to the pipe like a kitten on a tree whimpering in fear as he looked below him and the seemingly endless fall to doom, one slip up and they would probably die or be paralyzed from the neck down ( and no longer be able to move it move it anymore..)

Mario climbed closer with no fear in his eyes, climbing towards the wheel, luigi watched in horror wishing he had an ounce of the courage his brother had. Mario about to grab it when it popped right off, the pipe shaking Luigi holding on for dear life, shaking and letting out a cry of fear before the pipe fell and they smashed into a wall and tumbling onto a floor

Their skulls should've probably broken but Luigi just moaned in pain but sitting up first, shaking like he was a Chihuahua in a blizzard
" I knew staying in Brooklyn was a bad idea" he whimpered.
" C'mon.." mario responded, rolling his eyes And pulling him up onto his feet

Luigi rubbed his arm to soothe the pain before his eyes his brother was walking off. Luigi thought twice before picking up the toolbox

" Woah" mario said, shook at what he saw " what is this place" looking down at all the pipes leading so far down you might as well drop a rock and see how long it takes before you hear it hit the ground, that or let the intrusive thoughts win.

Luigi stared in fear at how deep it went, Mario signaled his brother to follow him
They walked down for fuck knows how long before they made it to the bottom.
Luigi wandered around looking at the green pipe holding his light towards it in curiosity walking forward
"Looks like nobody's been down here for years" Mario commented

A sound of  magical dust and a creak was heard alerting Mario and he quickly turned to the sound

"Luigi?!" He gasped walking towards the pipe only seeing a wrench sitting there "Luigi are you in there?!" He walked towards it picking it up and staring in confusion he was silent for a moment listening for his brothers footsteps hoping this was some prank

" Luigi?" Mario called before The wrench immediately got sucked off. Mario  stared with bewilderment, wind flowing around him before he too got sucked away into a portal to another dimension screaming as he went

He looked around seeing pink and yellow clouds around him
" Wow.."
He stared in awe for a moment until he heard his brother cries and whimpers
Luigi flailing around like a fish out of water

" Luigi!"
" Mario!"

Mario got to his brother as quick as he could
" Give me your hand"

Luigi reached out his hand grabbing the other
"It's all going to be okay!"
" How is this going to be okay?!"Luigi whined, fear showing in his blue eyes and voice shaky
" I'm telling ya! Nothing can hurt us as long as we're together!"
Luigi stared calming down for a moment, about to smile when he was dragged away to dark clouds screaming in horror and fear he screeched like a cat got it's tail stepped on

" Mario!" He cried out going through clouds of fire and ash.
The clouds of flame surrounded him
his lungs burning from the smell, coughing out the smell looking for a hint of breathable air, the ash fluttered around his eyes forcing him to shut them due to the agonizing pain they felt, he was about to suffocate from the Ash filled air before he fell out of a tube rolling around in burnt grass and sharp twigs, the heat on his face giving him a headache before he sat up and looked around. Panting loudly, and coughing the agonizing taste of fire to air that was just a little better. He caught his breath than looked around to see what looked like literal hell, getting on his feet, grabbing his toolkit and putting it together

Turning on a light and looking around, his heart racing as if he ran a charity race with no water, panting loudly due to the lack of  fresh air hitting his lungs

" Mario?" He whispered looking around for him multiple times walking around slowly. his shirt got caught on a twig, he freaked out and  forced it off tripping and nearly falling in lava then hitting his head against a tree.
He looked behind himself and many bats flew out screaming loudly in horror covering his head, the bats flew off into the moonlight, he sat down panting loudly afterwards once again trying the catch his breath.
What did I do to deserve this..? Luigi thought to himself

He continued to walk around when he heard a movement around him, he looked around for it and for a split second seeing a skeleton, it slipped his mind before he realized what he saw turning back and it was gone, he whimpered in fear his light went out than he began to beat it to get it back on once the light returned the skeleton was right in front of him.

Luigi screeched when it leaped at him he threw the light and ran off screaming ducking under trees until he hit a thick branch and he flew at it breaking it to peices.
Luigi laying on the ground panting loudly before He got up and saw it looked at it with sudden pride and than laughed grabbing the skull
" yes! You just got Luigi'd" grabbing the hat and putting it back on his head.

It didn't take long for that pride to be diminished the skeleton came back to life, the skull rolling out of his hand and put itself back together.

Luigi stared walking backwards unable to look away from the horrors his lungs felt like they were shrinking as as other skeletons came out and surrounded him then he screamed and ran off, he just wanted to get away from these things 

They followed him like a she-cat in heat followed a Tom, jumping across stones on lava and climbing to the castle doors, and opening them and went in closing the door behind him,the skeletons grabbing at him then he slammed a wood pole on it

He whimpered as he looked around on edge as he looked at the deteriorating castle.
Nobody is here.. he panted as he calmed down his lungs felt like they could breathe again And he slowly calmed down,  he sat down and took a breathe of relief

The place went dark The Lightning struck and then there were creatures in red robes and scream masks his eyes widened, He then screamed in absolute horror like a parent whose child was just murdered, basically having no power over the situation around them.

The creatures wrapped a rope around his neck and hands tightly, pinned to the floor by them

" Bowser will be interested in this one." One of them said

" Yes, a trespasser on the dark lands.."  the one in the black mask added

"And  If he tries anything we can just kill him" a third one said

" Hear that greenie! Don't try anything or we could hang you off the hot air balloon!" The first one said to Luigi

Luigi started to pant, his lungs feeling tight again he knew if he tried anything they could easily hang him to death. His blue eyes filled with tears, he truly had no power in this situation. He had to do what they said or he would risk dying.

He only responded with a nod.

" Let's take him now, Bowser will want to know sooner more than later.." the black masked one stated

" Yes, but after the skeletons have gone back to rest, it's dangerous to go out right now" the smallest one added

" Makes sense, the dry bones would eat him alive. We shall wait out the storm." The black masked one responded

" So who wants to play monopoly?" Another one stated

The group of them cheered and brought out the board game one of them tying him to their arm like he was some balloon.

Luigi just sat there and watched, bored as they played

This is going to be a long night..

This first chapter was mostly just a recap of what happened in the movie, but it'll get more interesting in the next chapter I promise!

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