chapter 2- threatened

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Luigi was sleeping on the hard stone floor, seemingly deep in his slumber.

The shy guys crowded around in a group circle to plan out how they were going to do this

" How about we travel to the airship with a hot air balloon, we will be in the air and if this thing tries escaping, rope around his neck or not, he will die" flame began his white mask turning towards his black masked ally

" Great idea! We have a rope around his neck, if he tries to escape we can simply hang him." Onyx responded, his raspy voice echoing across the room" or if he escapes he will fall to his doom!"

" Well, what if Bowser can use him to his advantage? Wouldn't being cruel to him be a disadvantage, he could hold back important information from us." Scarlet responded, her voice sweeter than usual shy guys, but she was the more peaceful one out of the group yet logical.

" Well if he withholds information Bowser and kamek could simply kill him!" Ash responded, his voice was as cracky as a teenage boy but that may be due to him being the youngest of the group, and the most inexperienced.

" And if Bowser kills him we will never get the information from him. We cant get information from someone who's dead ash!" Scarlet growled at the inexperienced shy guy.

" You make sense scarlet, that's why you're valuable to us." Onyx added   "Alright, we won't kill him, if he tries to escape two of us must hold him down to prevent him from trying to escape the hot air balloon. Agreed?"

The four others nodded

" It's time we woke him up" flame said.


Luigi was calm in a deep sleep, his dreams were happy, he was back in Brooklyn around his family who cared about them deep down, even if they were kinda rude.
Than the next moment he felt an agonizing pain against his throat and he woke up the rope around his neck tightened and he felt himself choking

" He's awake, stop choking him ash!"

The rope around his neck loosened and he panted for air, confused for a moment about where he was before he remembered what happened

It wasn't a dream..

" Time to go you tall skinny creature!" One of them said pulling the ropes to get him up

Luigi got into his feet and began to follow the creatures knowing they could choke him to death if he put one foot out of line.

They pulled him upstairs to a hot air balloon, and led him onto the balloon,

The black masked one turning on the heat and soon the balloon began to lift into the air

Luigi looked back at the castle for a moment, memories of how his brother would've been there to help him going through his mind he then had a look of longing in his eyes as he was taken away


Bowser sat at his throne watching his subjects do their daily activities, his flame orange eyes looking around the area. He knew he would have to reveal his reasoning for this entire attack soon but how was the question.

Now is the time, I should get this off my chest now.

Bowser then stood up, getting everyone's attention
" My army, Koopas, goombas and the rest of you. After years of searching for the super star it is finally ours and I am now the most powerful Turtle in the world!"
The crowd cheered at the news, Bowser waiting a moment to let the cheering die down before he continued
"Soon we will arrive at the mushroom kingdom where after years of being sworn enemies I will ask their princess to marry me!"
The crowd suddenly died down staring at one another in confusion.
bowser stood there, the silence deafening
" Did she say marry the princess..?" Claw asked
" Yeah, doesn't she hate you??" Slash agreed with claw

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