chapter 4- apologies

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Luigi laid his head against the cage bars, his body sprawled out on the metal base. It had been hours since he had the mental breakdown and he felt numb and tired his brain felt foggy from how much it was put through in that moment.
the blood that came from his face had dried up and as he laid there numbly for a bit about to fall asleep from the heat around him plus the tiredness his brain felt, a loud voice boomed above the dungeon he was in. he slowly moved his head up, too drained to quickly move his head to the dangerous creature above him

"Hm?" He murmured quietly, his cage was being pulled up, usually he would have many thoughts run through his head but in the aftermath of a panic attack and the feeling of tired numbness he couldn't think clearly.

His cage was placed on solid land, he climbed himself up by the bars to see Bowser, he felt slight fear in him he decided to close his eyes tightly taking a deep breath to steady himself
"Are you going to kill me?" Luigi slightly trembled, mainly due to how tired he was

" No, not yet" Bowser stared at Luigi, his slim and tall body looking like he was about to become jello and fall apart.
A part of him felt horrible for what he did, but he would never admit it

"T-Then why did you bring me here B-Bowser?" Luigi opened his eyes to try to show the tiny amount of confidence he had left after he had been so vulnerable in front of this beast but even with all the confidence he had he still looked submissive

" I want to apologize." Bowser added pulling the cage closer to him, inspecting his face, noticing his blue eyes gloomy and his face red from his crying, it was like he was looking into peaches eyes, and imaging himself making peach look that miserable made his soul dim with sadness

" I don't think you mean it, but I'll accept it anyway." Luigi said looking down, his voice quiet and he sat down on the base of the cage he was losing energy with every word he spoke panting as if each breath may be his last

Bowser noticed the dried and crusted blood on his upper lip, his mind once again seeing this as peach and that he had made her nose bleed " let me get you a wet rag to clean yourself.."

Luigi stared at the turtle walk off, his eyes struggling to stay awake through this, but Bowser returned and gave it to him he wiped the blood of his face and continued to look down to hide his face so he didn't have to see bowsers disdain towards him for being the twin sibling to his enemy

" I also want you to be my son's babysitter." Bowser said

"Babysitter?" Luigi lifted his head staring at the turtle dragon creature his eyes were dreary, as if he was going to die at any moment without a single blow from this monster himself

Bowser nodded as he began to circle the cage luigi turning his head to follow Bowsers gaze to make sure he wasn't going to hurt him " You see, my son gets bullied by the other kids, he wants somebody to play with, I've decided that you're too scared to even attempt running away,"

"I-" Luigi tried to speak

Bowser interrupted him before he could finish continuing to circle him  "so I entrust you with caring for my son."

" Oh,What is your son's name?" Luigi asked his eyes darkened a bit more knowing this monster was able to get a woman to bare his child

" Bowser junior." Bowser answered giving him a look of contempt

" Very creative, I see.." Luigi sarcastically responded looking into his eyes

Bowser narrowed his eyes and growled lightly at Luigi a plume of smoke coming from his nostrils

" I mean, How sweet! Lovely name for a child! I might name my own son that too! Hehe.." Luigi quickly answered his eyes lighting up with fear, a bead of sweat dripping down his head

Bowser stared at Luigi for a moment before backing away from the cage "creative name or not, he's my pride and joy" Bowser looked towards the castle Luigi assuming he was looking towards his son's room before he snapped around and grabbed the bars harshly and shook it growling " and if you hurt him I'll throw you into the lava pits!" He shouted his eyes glowing with anger his sharp teeth bared

Luigi nodded quickly " noted, noted! I won't hurt the kid!" Luigi felt his back slam against the bars making a squeak of pain, shaking from the sudden anger

Bowser stared for a moment before huffing and letting go of the cage gently and backing up sitting with his back turned to him

" Your work begins tomorrow, I will lead you to my son's room and my guards will watch how you treat him, I would watch you myself but I am busy with ruling the world, nevertheless I will check up on you when I have free time. So expect me to appear!" He turned to look at Luigi with a glare, his eyes looked like the flames of hell were staring back at him

Luigi nodded slowly before Bowser grabbed the cage taking it back into the dungeon then throwing it back down. Luigi screamed all the way down and flopped around the cage as he fell before the chain suddenly stopped making his head hit the top and fall back to the base on impact, Luigi immediately passed out from it

" Woa, I think he's dead! At least that makes one of us!" The Luma said floating around the cage hearing the groans of everyone else

" He's probably passed out!" The penguin king grumbled, putting a wing on his head to massage his headache, the boiling heat around him was probably agony to a penguin.

"we'll know later if he starts to rot!" A goomba responded sitting in the cage annoyed gently hitting his head against the side of the cage.

This chapter is shorter than the previous ones but I hope it was good. I tried very hard. The next chapter should be coming shortly I hope.

This is a public service announcement: don't take anything luma says as life advice.. because some of the things he says is literally what my mind tells me every day But despite my depression I still love writing.

Sorry I didn't mean to get personal there

See you in the next chapter.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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