chapter 3- charged meetings

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Luigi stared down at the rope around his arms connecting to his neck, two of the creatures around him keeping a close eye on him whilst the other two steered the hot air balloon towards their destination.

" Are we nearing to bowsers ship?" Ash asked onyx " my arms are getting tired from holding this rope.." he moved one arm from the rope to rub his shoulder

" We're nearing ash, just half an hour from now we will be there."

Luigi's eyes looked around at the short creatures around him chatting about, he raised his eyebrows from their conversation " B-Bowser?" He asked " who's Bowser?"

Scarlet glared at Luigi for a moment, turning her eyes to onyx seemingly asking for permission, the black masked shy guy nodded in approval
" Bowser is the king of the Koopas he's only the strongest army in all of the world. Be careful how you act around him green boy, he can tear your tall skinny body apart if you do anything he disapproves of."

Ash nodded gripping the rope " his claws are as sharp as knives, he can cause deep wounds with a single scratch"

" He can throw flames out of his mouth like the most dangerous dragon turning you to a pile of ashes from a single blow" flame added

Luigi felt his body tremble with fear at the idea of being killed from this dangerous creature that was being described to him.

" He wants to take over the world and nothing will stop him from getting what he wants. So watch your step pal or you might be a pile of ashes next time we meet." Onyx glared at him

Luigi was panting feeling his lungs close in on him as his anxiety took a hold of him he was about to collapse when the group landed on something, presumably the ship

" Let's go greenie!"


The crowd that usually filled the area was empty for now, everyone decided to go to sleep for the night besides a few guards, Bowser sat on his throne, looking at the dark grey sky from the flames that covered the area from a distance he heard footsteps then saw some shy guys bringing over a human, his flame orange eyes glaring at him as the scared human  trembled towards his throne

A sky guy kicked him down the human sliding down onto the floor, getting closer to the throne. The guy forced himself to his knees looking up his blue rhinestone eyes staring at him in pure terror
" We found him in the darklands" onyx said releasing the rope then walking back
Bowser growled a flame growing in his throat that released through his nose
He looked at the humans eyes, relishing in the fear he saw.
" Leave him to me.." Bowser growled glaring down at the human giving kamek a visual sign

Kamek used his magic to free him from the ropes than force the humans body to remain still, than flying his body towards the large turtle creature

" What is your name" he surrounded the human glaring at him willing to slit his throat but he at least wanted answers from the creature

" Erm, L-Luigi." Luigi answered before shivering in fear, the poor human looked like he was suffocating but the air was definitely breathable to Bowser, perhaps he has asthma or was so scared his lungs were collapsing But did Bowser care about his physical or mental health conditions? Not really, no.

Bowser stared at Luigi baring his sharp teeth that had a red tint to them, Luigi gulped trying not to pant in front of Bowser knowing if he started panting in front of Bowser it would be easy for him to dig his claws into his throat and suffocate him

" Not sure if you know who I am, but I'm about to marry a princess and rule the world." He put his claws together and sharpened them on each other before putting it on Luigi's throat and slowly moving to his chin to bring him closer

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