Chapter Two

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Opening the blinds in her bedroom and cleaning her bedside table from all the tissues laying on it she went to her bathroom and flushed then all away along with her feelings for Johnathan and brushed her teeth and washed her face. She went to her room and did her hair and put on some makeup, "I'm going out" she said to herself, she'd have to call Lara and Jackie to join her for drinks and Rics' Pub and Grill. First they'd go get their nails done and go back to Clair's' to get dressed and ready.

"It's just us tonight ladies, no boys and no dramas, just us" Clair announced to the girls.

"Are you sure you're fine Clair?" Lara asked

"Lara! Let her be for goodness sake, it's the third time you're asking today..." Jackie blurted out at Lara.

"Girls, I'm fine, let's just have fun tonight, okay"


"It is packed tonight, we still should go"

"no, the more packed, the better, that way my sister nor Johnathan can find me if they are looking for me. First round is on me tonight!"

"Ok, I guess we're doing this then. We heard her, let's go. "

The girls partied and drank the night away, drink after drink, Clair managed to get a strangers attention, slowly he tried to make his way to her and but was stopped by none other than Johnathan.

"Touch or look at her and you'll end up in the ICU tonight"

"Chill man, she ain't yours, she don't got your name on her."

"Yeah but she definitely isn't going home with a slum drug addict like you, that I'll make sure of"

"piss off man", the stranger punched Johnathan, grabbing the attention of Clair and the girls, Johnathan hits him back making him land on his backside hitting his head on the stool leg, grabbing the back of his head he cusses at Johnathan.

"I told you I will not let you take advantage of her under the influence of your substances, now get up and leave before you really get hurt!"

"do you really think I'm scared of you, punk! You really ruined a goodnight asshole. "

Clair made her way through the crowd to come face to face with Johnathan once again. "What are you doing here John?"

"I came to see if you were ok, you know after what happened"

"What does it matter to you?"

Well I can't just leave you after what happened or what was said"

"Alright, it's time for me to get involved, Johnathan; you better leave Clair alone now until she is ready to talk to you on her own." Jackie said taking over the conversation.

"I'm not here for you Jackie, stay out of it."

"well you weren't here for her for three months either! We're here to blow off steam that you created, so don't come here and try to defend her like she's your prize possession."

"You know what, I came here to be apologetic but it seems that isn't wanted here so maybe I should just leave. Good bye Clair, I'll see you when I do. Jackie, Lara see you"

"He sure gets on my nerves Clair!" Jackie says through clenched teeth.


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