Chapter Three

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Johnathan stayed up all night thinking about the club the previous night, Clair was constantly on his mind. He couldn't resist her, her beautiful twisted hair and dark hazel eyes, her rosey cheeks and slightly dark complexion. Her kind heart but stubborn personality.

Getting ready for work he thought about trying to apologize again to Clair but thought again and left the situation.


George was waiting for him in the work cafeteria with a cup of coffee in hand.

"So how was it bud, did I it go well?"

"went really Shit man, hit some guy that was trying to get with Clair and he picked a fight and I put him on his ass and made him bleed. Jackie told me off and I lost it and left."

"Sorry man, sometime it just be like that."

"Yeah, may as well just forget about her already."

"Dude, come on. She just needs to realize what she's lost."

"Nah man, waste of time to be honest."


Waking up with a pounding headache and the feeling of vomiting her guts out, Clair showered and got ready to have coffee and breakfast with her mom, Nikki, she hoped her mom wouldn't bring Johnathan or Emily in the conversation.

All ready and dressed, Clair hears a horn outside and rushes to get her bag. She sees her mom and gives her a kiss and a hug. Her mom's warm embrace makes her emotional; her mom has always been there for her even when she messed up bad.

"You look beautiful" Clair's mom said with a bright smile.

"Thanks mom, you look great too"

Driving to Sara's Dinner, Nikki played some of Clair's favourite music from her childhood.

"When are you ever going to stop playing that music mom" Clair said laughing.

"How about...never" Nikki said grimacing. "You and your sister is all I have left after you father died and Emily doesn't even talk to me that much anyway so you're my one and only"

"She probably didn't tell you she had an affair with Johnathan did she, huh?"

"Uhh no she didn't, are you serious? "

"Let's rather discuss this at the diner please mom." Clair said regretting the statement she made just moments after her mom told her how special she was to her.

What am I thinking? Stupid stupid stipid move Clair! Why couldn't I just wait till we got to Sara's??? May the heavens protect us and my sister for the hell that is going to break loose.

A loud sound comes from the driver's side and all Clair sees is all her childhood memories of her sister, dad and mom happy together flash before her eyes. All the times they played hide and seek and all the times Nikki made biscuits for Clair and her sister and all the times the two girls played dolls and dress up and pretended to be brides and grooms, always arguing about who is who and when they get to swap roles.

Then everything went dark and there was no sign of life anywhere.


Bright lights flashing one after the other and strange faces from every direction has Clair panicking. She can't hear anything and her vision is very blurry but she sees two faces she'll always be able to recognise from anywhere, Jackie and Lara. Smiling and giving her a soft toy from the gift store in the hospital, the two girls give Clair a hug. They try to talk to her but she motions that she can't hear them very well.

"She should be fine soon, she wasn't as bad as the other woman, a truck came from the driver's side and rolled the car a couple times before it stopped." Said one of the nurses.

"Do you know where the other woman is at the moment? She is Clair's mom"  Jackie said in a sincere but serious tone.

"She is in an OR Room busy being operated on as she has a couple broken bones. She will make it out good as new, and prepare for a speedy recovery." The nurse said.

"Thank you so much"

"No problem"


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