Chapter Four

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A couple hours after Clair was able to hear normal again, the nurse came into tell the girls that Nikki had a successful surgery and that they'll be moving her bed into the same room as Clair. Clair was still nervous to see her mom, she felt like it was her fault, that she caused it. She'd always been told by Johnathan that she causes pain and suffering, that she was always the reason they fought. She considered seeing a therapist but thought twice of it, maybe she's over reacting?

"Clair, it's your mom "Lara said with enthusiasm

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?"

"Forget about me mom, how ae you feeling?"

"I'm fine sweetie, really I am. Just broke a couple bones."

"This is all my fault, what did you break??"

"Just my arm, collar bone and my femur. What about you, you look unscratched. I'm jealous to say the least" Nikki said giggling.

"Oh, nothing really. I couldn't hear anything for a while and my body is very sore. My head has a gash that's pretty deep but otherwise I'm unscratched like you said."

"im happy youre ok sweetie."

Clair was discharged earlier than her mom as expected but they allowed her to stay at the hospital with her mom, weeks later Nikki was discharged and she and Clair went home. Clair insisted on staying with her mom for the time being while her mom was in her casts and while she went for physiotherapy. They bonded like never before, clair missed her mom being normal after Derick - her dad had died. She had always been "lost" without him, never the same, always gloomy and sad. When he died, Emily changed too, she became more self-obsessed, more distant and sleeping with every man she met which made her end up with Johnathan that one time ( she had wondered how many times they had slept together ) but being with her mom made her feel better after the whole Johnathan thing. She had hoped to move on from this whole situation but he kept coming back to her and she didn't know what to do.


Nikkie was sitting in her room after dinner and looking at photo's of the girls from when the were young and still played together, it made her think of what Clair told her in the car on the way to Sara's Diner, she wanted to ask Clair to tell her about what Emily did but was scared she might not feel comfortable, she then thought that the problem may never be fixed unless its spoken about so after a while of thinking she called Clair and showed her the pictures she was looking at, somewhere in the pile they came across a large yellow envelope from Johnathan, Clair was confused and asked her mom what they were about and why she had them. Nikki instantly recognised it and tried to tell Clair that it wasn't important although Clair insusted on knowing, so she told Clair that it was about him leaving, she promised that she didn't open it and didn't know anything about the affair until Clair told her. Clair asked her mom if she could open it up, Nikki insisted that they should rather finish their discussion on what Emily did with Johnathan. Clair hesitated and told her mom that after Derrick died, Emily started sleeping with other men and she warned her that it was going to get her in trouble one day but she never listened and when Johnathan started "working late" she knew something was up but never thought much of it and then when he left she came to Clair and told her that she had an affair with Johnathan, they had a big argument, Emily told Clair that she couldn't help herself and that it wasn't her fault, she tried to make excuses but Clair told her she didn't want to hear it because it was something that was controllable.

The girls haven't spoken since then but that never bothered Clair, she never gave a shit about what her sister thought of her. She had tried her best afterall...

Finally finishing with her mom she went to her room and looked at the envelope, she hesitated before taking the envelope and opening it. There were 16 letters in their own envalopes inside, that was excluding the introduction letter that explained what was going on....

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 11 ⏰

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16 LettersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang