What was supposed to be

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It was quiet
No one said a word.

All fixed their Glares in utter horror on the bloody scene on the Tv

All but Katarina who sadly looked away

"Such a short life..." Mary said sadly
"are you okay lady Katarina?" Maria asked empathizeing

"we do understand it if you need a moment Sister"Keith said warmly

"it is Okay Keith-ni-chan,im hear and im happy and healthy"Katarina said

"i promise you will have a far longer life this time I'll make sure of it"Geordo said with a lightly angerd grimace on his Face

"We all will" Katarinas friends declared united as one

"so now you have seen the live of Chihiro Tokasaka, know that Katarina Claes always had this Memorys since she was five" i said

"now i will show you how Katarina's live would have looked like if she didn't regain her memory's"i told them

Katarina got ghostly pale
"it is okay, it is okay...... they promised to let you live"she told herself

"oh? Katarina if she hadn't they mind of a 17 year old when we were 5?"Geordo asked

now were he thought he know her secret he was sure the reason why she didn't fall for him was because she had seen him as nothing but a Child.
Sophia had a sudden feeling of tension in her very Soul

[It was dark and thunder kept falling outside. She was scared with her sheets under her head trying to make the noise stop. Normally she would already be asleep but she was waiting for her mom and dad to come. They always came to tell her good night and send away the nightmares but they had not appeared. What happened? Were they alright? they could not have forgotten about her right? she had not seen them all day but they would never fail her like this right?.

Another thunder fall she could not handle it anymore she started to cry loudly she was afraid and alone did not know what to do. She heard something. The door opened quickly, they had finally arrived. Her parents maybe had gotten lost in the mansion with how dark it was. Maybe that was it she took the sheet off "Mommy, Daddy i'm scared" she said with hope for it to be crashed again. who entered was not her mom or dad it was just a simple maid she didn't remember her name. she was just a newbie here she looked around looking for her parents but they were not there tears flooded her eyes again as she began to loudly cry again "my please stop crying it's just a storm it will pass" the maid tried to sound reassuring but her tone was just as nervous as hers something was happening "I want mom and dad, i wanna see them, i wanna see them" she keep screaming she didn't trusted this maid she couldn't keep her composure with the thunders falling she wanted her mom and dad to hug her. "but my your parents are in their room and they are very tired"

That was clearly a lie, this maid was clearly lying to her face. her father always said they were never too tired for her. how dared she to try to lie about her parents like that. it makes her really, really angry "How dare you. Daddy is always there for me when i'm scared, i'm going to tell him you are lying about him" she screamed again as the maid got scared by her words "I'm sorry my lady please give me a minute" the lying maid exited her room running she couldn't believe the audacity of that maid trying to lie about her dad. It took a couple minutes but then her parents finally arrived in the room, a little alarmed as they saw her crying as her father runned towards her. She felt warm. her dad hugs always tranquilized her. "What happened,my little princess, did the storm wake you up?" as her mother took a seat besides with a worried look. between cries the little girl explained what had happened and both of them exchanged a look "You wanna sleep with us tonight?" Her mom offered with an understanding smile, she gave a quick nod as her father charged her towards their room with them. She was finally able to sleep peacefully with her parents to her side, now she knew it wasn't her parents fault the maids surely were too scared of the storm distracting them and that is why they took so long to come to her. She wouldn't let this happen again; her parents were far too busy to deal with cowardly maids. she would set them straight for them.]

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