After the Shock comes the Pain

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It seems you all need a break
Its fine recover to you hearts content
I said to the Cast.

"Maria? what is with you ?" Katarina asked her lover
Maria laid her Arms around Katarina
"i'm..... i'm so sorry Katarina.... i can't believe....." Maria said in a broken raspy weak voice
The Eyes of the light mages were filed with tears her face showed an expression of pure torment
"if you want to break up with me i won't judge you for it!" the Commoner told her high born lover
"hä? What are you talking about Maria.....?" Katarina said in a fearful voice her eyes started to tear up
"it is because im a vindictive Villanes ? Isn it ?..... I know.... Why would a brave Heroine like you love an evil Villanes like me ?" the Claes daughter asked in tears

Katarina awaited something bad would happen to her now were her cover as a Villanes was blown before her friends
But as she closed her eyes awaiting her inevitable doom she suddenly feeld warmth
She opened her eyes only to see all her friends hugging her tightly

"your are not a Villanes, you are the love of my life! and even in that world your a good person, you befriended Sianna because you saw her as a great person even do her status was so low!
Claiming that you torment other's only do too their status is a heinous lie, and we've senn it! I can't believe i did that to you, im so sorry...." Maria said heartbroken
"she's right non of this was really your fault Katarina!" Mary said
"i always knew that you made me a better Person Katarina..... But i would have never imagined that i had been THAT BAD if wasn't for you, im both unbelievable grateful and deeply ashamed" Geordo said
"i can't believe my other-self is such an ungrateful crybaby of an Asshole!" Keith said
"i should have seen that you only helped Sophia and taken your site, but i didn't because im just as superficial as the People who shunt my sister for her appearance" Nicole said melancholic
"i should have stood up for you, as Geordo's brother it would have been my duty to step in when he abuses his power, but i didn't" Alan said angry
"you were only trying to help, you have always been my friend even if i didn't knew it" Sophia said

Raphael and Rufus said similar things,
only Darien stand aside in a corner of the watch room nor joining the hug if do he wanted to and not showing his Face
"if i was in that universe i would have shred it down to it's last Atom" he said in a voice drownig in hatred.

"so you really want me to remain your Girlfriend?...." Katarina asked Maria frightened
"Of course! But only if you still want..... After the cruelty and hypocrisy my other-selfdid to you.... I promise i would never betray you or sacrifice you like that!" Maria
"Okay! I love you Maria im so happy!" Katarina said
"I..... I love you roo.... Nee-san ..." Keith san said sadly" even do i now know i didn't deserved you nor you kkindness...."
"hä....?" Katarina asked, Keith had already told her something like that before but now....
"im also in love with you Lady Katarina-Chan" Mary said adding to Katarinas confusion
"ditto" Allan proclaimd,
"Äh!!?" Katarina didn't believed it
"i and Oni-Chan also love you Lady Katarina-Chan!!!" Sophia said
"that is true" Nicole confirmed
"and it may seem a bid Morbid but... I fall in love with you because you reminded my of my Mother, that's also why i tried to ged rid of you..." Raphael confessed
"i know that order Geordo always ever used you, but i swear to the Seven that i have always loved you Lady Katarina" Geordo said
"you stole my heart away right when i was supposed to kidnap you" Rufus said
"i always loved you Lady Katarina, when we both were very small you saved me from drownig in a river! I owe you my live, i m sorry for what Sister did to you in that World, please allow us both to make it up to you!" Darien said pleading.

Katarina looked at her friends
"you all.... you all......" Katarina couldn't believe it
"you all love me..... ?" she realized utterly shocked
"yes we all do..." Maria said with tears in her eyes"... And we all would be happy to have you as Girlfriend, that is why im now both more happy and more sad than ever before....
I love you.... but i don't want you to think i was your only option... I only want you to happy....." Maria said under tears
" l but-But ....ãh ? äh?" Katarina was at a lost for Wordse
"or.... you don't need to chose at all..." Geordo offers
"hä?" Katarina was even more confused
"we all love you, so if you don't want to chose we all may give you our love, as long as everyone get's some fair share of time with you, i think we can all agree on that"
"hä....?" Katarina's head was red as a Dragons flame, and her confusion had reached a level where her Mind had given up on processing things.

Now it was tim for me to interfere again
"the break is over the show must go on" i proclaimd.
And the Tv started again.

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