the Beloveds fear

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After the Tv had shown lovely funy and hilarious sites of Lady Katarinas second childhood now the time had come
Katarinas 15 birthday had come,Katarina was thinking about the game and the World she lived in which made her friends/Lovers sad (so she really belived she would die before reaching 16?)
Than the dancing began and Geordo placed a kiss on Katarinas neck which Keith cleand away saying it was a bug

"good work Keith" Mary said try
"i do what i can" Keith said soulless, he was still broken over what he could have done to Katarina
"you.... Already loved me at this point?"Katarina asked surprised
"Sister...... ?" Keiths voice sounded way more lively as he tryd to talk with her
"whaaaaaaa......!"Katarina shriked away with a mortifyd scream
She began to breath heavily and tryd to ran away but Maria's grip on her Arm didn't alowed that to happen
Maria had meant that as a reassuring gesture but when she looked in Katarinas beautiful eyes she realized far to late that the joung Noble understood it as a death sentence
"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Katarina screamed as she fall to the ground and started to cry,the tears came down like a waterfall
"please i don't wanna die young again!........" their was so much pain in her voice, it brok everyones Heart
And than she did the one thing that was the worst thing for everyone here to everyone
She begged them for her life

"please please don't kill me! Im to young to die!!! *sob**sob* i give everything up! My title! My engagement! My inheritance!
Please let me live! *sob**sob**sob* i do what ever you....... " she didn't came further with her please as she fall unconscious.

Maria had cursed her other selfer over and over again once she had learnd of fortune lover
But no the limit was finally meet!
"this means War!" she said silently but with so much power that it couldn't be overheard even in the middle of a storm

Darien still seemd somhow asleep
But Twins shared a Soul and through this Connection the boy feeld his Sisters rage
He reassured her with his own anger wich natured her Hate
"evryone of you...." she spoke in a soft but strict voice
A Tone befitting of a King or a Dragon
"This-this ..... Whore!!!
Who wears my face.....
She is mine!
I WILL BE the one who seals her Fate!"

No one dared to object to this

After a while Darien awakend
And the Harem watched Katarina in her view days until she sleept while suddenly realizeing she stole Geordo's event
She realized it only just than?" Alan asked
"But she didn't realize'd the full "implication's of that Darien said
Katarina's heart shaped eyes towards Maria had thrown down at the guts of evryone like a punch

"I see...." Maria said
"I know we all love Katarina and non of us want to hurt her
Why may need to take "desperate measures"
To make her realize that we only want to be "with her" Maria explained
"but- but we can't-
We can't just ra-hmhhhmphhhhmmph" it seemd like Sophia seemd against the idea but Maria just shut her up
Mary on the Other Hand was absolutely eager
Read steam went done her nose
And in her eyes were a burning great like no one before ever witnessed

"wake up Lady Katarina, it is time for your "Punishment" Maria told Katarina as she woke her up

****** WARNING! WARNING!!!********

THE Next Chapter will be Lemon

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