Chapter Six - An Invitation

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The next day, Tomura awoke extremely sore from the day before. Even so, Tomura barely even seemed to notice. He was too busy thinking about the events of the day before.

What if maybe he did want to become a hero? As a kid, it was a dream of his, but after the events of his quirk awakening it just never seemed like an option. I mean, could a boy who killed his family ever be a hero? There was just no way. No one would ever accept him.

Tomura felt his chest tighten at the thought and tears began to sting his eyes but he shook them away. There was no point in crying over something decided so long ago, he thought.

Tomura took his usual path through the halls as he made his way to his homeroom, but something seemed... different. People kept looking at him. People looking at Tomura wasn't exactly a new thing, but usually those looks were looks of disgust or fear. This time, people were looking at him with an excited glint in their eyes. It was freaking him out. In the distance, he heard someone scream out for him.

"Tomura! Tomura, wait up!"

He looked over his shoulder to see Izuku Midoriya barreling towards him at full speed. The green haired boy was running so fast, in fact, it seemed as though he was planning to tackle Tomura. Close behind him, Ochaco and Iida were jogging to try and catch up. In what seemed like no time at all, Deku reached Tomura and began spewing a flurry of words.

"TOMURA! TOMURA! I saw you on TV yesterday and you were so cool. I knew you were awesome but this just brings you to a whole new level. I can't believe you caught that falling debris in time. I don't think I could ever have done that! It's so cool you got to be on TV for doing hero work despite not being a pro hero. I am almost jealous!"

Tomura was finding it hard to keep up with Deku's rapid ramblings.

"Please Midoriya, slow down, I can't understand a word you're saying."

Deku stopped, looking embarrassed,

"Oh right haha, sorry, I ramble sometimes. I was just saying that I saw you rescue that boy on TV and you were so cool!"

Tomura's cheeks flushed at the compliment. He wasn't used to being complimented.

"Oh um, yeah, thank you haha. To be honest, I am not even really sure how I did that. It's all kind of a blur. I saw the concrete falling and my feet started moving before my mind did."

Deku looked up at Tomura with a starry eyed gaze and a huge smile.

"You know! All-Might told me that is the mark of a true hero!"

Tomura felt taken aback, he wondered why his uncle hadn't mentioned that to him last night. Then again, his uncle was practically in tears after Tomura told him the story so it might have slipped his mind.

"Oh, huh, that's something he never mentioned before."

Just then, the voice of Principal Nezu sounded over the loudspeakers.

"Tomura Yagi, please report to the principal's office. Tomura Yagi, please report to the principal's office."

Tomura felt his heart drop into his stomach. Oh fuck, was he in trouble?

Deku piped up,

"I bet the principal wants to congratulate you on your heroic acts!"

Tomura felt relief wash over his body.

"Oh thank god. I thought I was in trouble or something"

Deku laughed in response to this.

"Haha don't be silly. What would you be in trouble for? Anyway, I will let you get going, the principal is waving."

Deku waved at Tomura as he began making his way back to Class 1A. Tomura waved back before starting his journey up to the principal's office


Tomura knocked on the door of the principal's office once he arrived.

"Please," said the familiar voice of Principal Nezu, "come in."

Tomura opened the door and entered, before shutting it behind him. He was shocked to see, not only principal Nezu, but his uncle and the teacher of Class 1A, Shouta Aizawa, standing on either side of the principal's desk.

"Please Tomura, come sit down," Principal Nezu said cheerfully.

Nervously, Tomura made his way to the seat placed in front of the Principals desk and sat down. Principal Nezu then spoke up once again,

"I saw your rescue of that little boy on the news yesterday. It was very impressive, especially considering you are a general studies student."

His uncle beamed pridefully as Mr. Aizawa nodded along to the principal's words.

"In your interview, you mentioned you might be interested in becoming a hero. Is that correct?"

Tomura wasn't sure what to say. He wanted to tell the principal everything that was on his mind, but decided against it. Despite his inner dilemma, Tomura knew, deep down, he did want to become a hero. He wanted to save people and make people proud of him. He wanted that warm feeling in his chest back.

"Yes," Tomura responded simply.

"Well, it's set then," the Principal stated matter of factly.

Tomura was confused. What was set?

It was then that Mr. Aizawa spoke up,

"After witnessing your quick and decisive actions in yesterday's rescue, as well as the recommendation of your Uncle, we want to invite you to join the Class 1A as a hero course student."

Shock flooded Tomura's body. He was speechless. What?? A hero course student? But how, there wasn't even an open space in the class for him. As though he read Tomura's mind, Aizawa piped up

"We took the liberty of opening up an extra space for you in Class 1A. That is how seriously we are taking you becoming a hero course student. But, you should only consider this if you are serious as well. I have no room for weak resolve in my classroom."

Tomura gulped. Should he accept? What if he couldn't do it? What if other students find out about him? What if he is not cut out to be a hero? It was then he remembered the words Midoriya bestowed upon him not to long ago,

"You know! All-Might told me that is the mark of a true hero!"

He looked over at his Uncle, who was still beaming and looked as though he were about to burst into a flood of happy tears once again. That same warm feeling filled Tomura's chest. If his Uncle thought he was a true hero, then it must be true. Tomura stood up and bowed deeply before responding,

"I would be honored to join Class 1A if you will have me Mr. Aizawa!"

Tomura stood back up to meet Mr. Aizawa's gaze once again. The dark-haired man was smiling,


It was then that his Uncle wouldn't contain his glee anymore and he ran over to envelop Tomura in another rib-crushing hug as tears streamed down his face.

"Oh my boy! I am so proud of you"

Tomura responded breathlessly,

"Thank you Uncle"

Mr. Aizawa spoke once more as Tomura was released of his hug prison,

"You start tomorrow, so be ready."

Tomura nodded tersely.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow, his journey as a hero begins. 

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