Chapter Eight - The Dog

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In what felt like no time at all, 6 o'clock was just over the horizon and Tomura was making his way over to the UA gate to meet Kirishima, Deku, and their friends. He couldn't lie, Tomura was nervous. He had never been great at first impressions. The only reason Kirishima probably invited him was because he didn't know him that well. Tomura also was feeling rather self conscious about his appearance. For some inexplicable reason, everyone in Class 1A seemed to be gorgeous. This did not bode well for Tomura, who considered himself rather subpar, maybe even pushing horrendously ugly. His fashion sense also wasn't anything to speak of. He was wearing a gray long-sleeved shirt with navy blue khakis. He also had his hair up in a messy, low hanging bun, since it was getting long enough to the point he could put it up relatively easily. The only thing he considered to be slightly fashionable was the silver stud earrings he had in. He got his ears pierced on a rebellious whim when he was in middle school after his Uncle told him he couldn't, and since then he had rather appreciated them.

As he approached the UA gate, he could make out the shapes of all the other classmates Kirishima mentioned. Well, all except the alien girl, Mina. She seemed to be missing. Luckily for Tomura, they all seemed to be dressed rather casually, making him feel better about his lack of fashion sense. He was quickly spotted by Deku, who waved frantically at him. Tomura gave him a wave back, chuckling to himself. That kid was like a golden retriever.

As he approached the group, everyone began to greet him. Mostly just quick greetings, but they were friendly nonetheless. Kirishima was the first to start up an actual conversation,

"Hey Yagi! I am glad you can make it!"

"Yeah, me too," Tomura responded, "and please, call me Tomura. People calling me Yagi always makes me feel like they are talking to my Uncle."

"Oh yeah, of course dude," Kirishima chuckled.

At that moment, Deku joined in,

"Oh my god! I just realized I started calling you Tomura without asking! I am so sorry! All-Might always calls you Tomura and I guess I just started calling you that too."

"No it's totally fine Midoryia, I don't mind at all," Tomura assured.

"Well, if I am calling you Tomura, then you gotta call me Izuku! It just wouldn't feel right if you didn't" Deku stated, looking rather distressed at the inequality.

"Izuku it is then," Tomura agreed.

It was then that another individual joined the conversation. A less than friendly one.

"What are you extras gabbing on about? We gotta get going if we wanna get to the shops in time." Bakugou growled through gritted teeth.

Something told Tomura that this hostility was not uncommon for him, considering how everyone else in the group showed him no mind.

"Yeah, yeah man, we are coming." Kirishima sighed.

It was then that Su piped up,

"Hey, where is Mina?"

Kirishima was the one to reply,

"Oh she is going to meet us at the markets. She said she has a surprise for us."

"I love surprises!" cheered Denki.

Everyone chuckled in response to the outburst. Well, everyone but Bakugou, who just rolled his eyes.

"Come on nerds, let's get moving."

With that, everyone began making their way to the market


Tomura, surprisingly, was actually having a lot of fun. Although he didn't participate a ton in the conversation, not unless someone asked him a question or addressed him outright, he enjoyed listening to the group talk. They all were rather funny. Well, all except Bakugou, who Tomura found rather irritating. He was especially annoyed by how poorly he treated Izuku. A couple of times he found himself having to hold back from dusting the bastard right then and there in the market. Luckily, Bakugou seemed to ignore Tomura completely, so he didn't have to worry about getting into a shouting match with the bad-tempered teenager. They were all getting ready to sit down to eat in the food court when Sero brought up Mina.

"Hey, where the hell is Mina? We are halfway done with our shopping! If she doesn't get here soon she may as well not come at all."

As though Sero's words had summoned her, the group heard Mina call out for them from the edge of the food court.

"Hey! Guys over here!!"

Mina began running towards the group. In her arms was something small and furry. At first, Tomura couldn't make out what it was, but as she drew closer, Tomura could see it clearly.

It was a Corgi.

Instantly, Tomura felt his stomach twist into knots. Nausea wracked his stomach and he felt himself begin to itch all over. It wasn't until quite recently that Tomura's memories from the night he killed his family began to resurface. He was going to therapy to help himself process them as they arose, but he hadn't started till quite recently. He didn't have any coping skills yet. As Tomura was fighting back vomit, the rest of the group surrounded Mina, showering the small furry creature in love.

"Oh my god he is so cute!" Denki squealed.

"That truly is the cutest thing I have ever seen" Su cooed, petting the little dog's head as he panted.

"What's his name??" Deku gushed, also reaching out to pet the dog.

"Oh his name is Hoshi! Because he is our little star! Yes you are~" Mina preened, giving the dog a little kiss on the forehead as he tried to lick her face.

It was then that Mina looked over to see Tomura staring at her with an expression of such horror that she found herself stunned. He was as white as a ghost and was shaking like a leaf. One hand was placed firmly over his mouth while the other clenched his stomach. He looked as though he was about to hurl. Finally, Mina found her voice and asked Tomura, concerned,

"Hey, are you ok?"

It was then that the rest of the group turned to face Tomura, taking in the same sight that Mina had.

"Jesus dude you're as white as a ghost!" Kirishima exclaimed, now also concerned.

It was then that Hoshi took the opportunity to leap out of Mina's arms while she was distracted. He ran up to the only person he hadn't greeted yet, Tomura. He sat by Tomura's feet, wagging his stubby tail and yipping excitedly while pawing at his leg. At this, Tomura began to sob and started to shake even more violently. It was also at this time that Tomura had a flashback.

He was upset. He was sitting in his backyard, crying, because his father had hit him again after his sister betrayed him. His faithful corgi, Mon Chan, was trying to comfort him as he cried. One minute, he was pawing at Tomura's leg and licking his hand. The next, he was nothing but a pile of minced meat and stone.

It was at this point, Tomura could no longer hold back the puke rising in his throat. He ran over to the nearest garbage can and proceeded to empty his stomach. Deku and Kirishima ran over to him while Mina began to wrangle Hoshi again. Deku reached out a hand, putting it on Tomura's back as he was hunched over the garbage can.

"Jesus Tomura, are you ok? What's going on?" Deku fretted.

"Yeah man, are you alright?" Kirishima inquired, distressed.

At Deku's touch, Tomura flinched away. Taking a couple steps back from the garbage can and away from Deku and Kirishima. He wiped some vomit away from the corner of his mouth, still shaking violently and crying.

"I- I'm sorry I have to go," Tomura choked, quivering.

Without giving any of them a chance to respond, Tomura turned and ran out of the food court. He continued running all the way until he was safely locked away in his room at home, where he collapsed and began to sob violently. No matter what he did, Tomura couldn't seem to escape his past. It haunted him every waking moment and now, it was eating him alive. 

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