Fresh Breeze

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The sun was shining as brightly as ever, and the flowers were in bloom.
Breeze Valley was quite peaceful, aside from the occasional unruly outlaw Pokémon.
And today, 6 new arrivals will begin their new lives here... oh? One of them is waking up.

Oh, god... my head...
..W.. Wait.. what's going on? Aren't I.. dead?

The Banette's eyes fluttered open, though they felt like they were burning from the sudden brightness being shot into them.
..He was alive. But why? How?
His entire body ached, making it difficult to sit up, let alone move at all.
He quickly realized that something was different.
Why was he so.. small?
He looked down at his hands, but.. they weren't even normal hands.
They were grey, and had 3, pointed fingers on both hands.
He started to feel his face, still in complete disbelief.
Was that a zipper near his mouth?!
..He had a feeling he shouldn't unzip it.

What happened.. to me..??

He had to get a closer look at himself. He was so.. confused.
Oh! There's a puddle over there!
The Banette managed to crawl over to the nearby puddle, looking into it.
He gasped, falling backwards in shock.
He was no longer human.. what the hell was he?!

"I feel like we've been walking foreveeer.."

"Well, that tree should be comin' up soon!"

"How do you know that..? You forgot to bring a map, didn't you, pops..?"

"Oh, hush! I never forget important things!"

..Who were those two voices?
..Owen could see two silhouettes, one was taller, and the other was a lot smaller.
Did they have ears..? He could hardly make out anything, he was in such a daze.

"So, as I was saying about Opal—"

"Uh, pops.. someone is over there.."

"Huh-?? Oh! That must be one of the... c'mon, we gotta help them!"


Owen didn't know what to do. Get up and try to run away? Were these people gonna kill him.. again?
He could only sit there, shivering as the two strangers got closer.
'Please, don't let me die again', he thought.
By the time they got up to him, he couldn't even get a word out.
He gulped nervously, hoping that these guys couldn't smell fear.

"Why, hello, old friend!" The Zoroark smiled, crouching down to the Banette's level. "Are you feelin' alright?"

"..Whuh.. who??" He answered.

"Oh! Of course, I haven't introduced myself! I'm Mirai, and this is my daughter, Millie!"

"..Is this another-"

"Hold on a sec, Millie. Anyway, do you know how you got here? Do you have a name?"


"Hm.. that's okay, a lot of people like you get nervous when they wind up here."

..Like me???

"Can ya stand up for me?"

Owen slowly got onto his feet, letting out a wince as he did so. Was getting turned into some small creature SUPPOSED to be this painful?

"Hm, seems like you haven't gotten used to your new— I mean, seems like you're feelin' pretty weak right now. Here, I can carry ya over to my hut!"

What?.. I can do this myself.. actually, maybe I can't.. I dunno..

Owen nodded, seeing no other option.

"Alrighty! Don't worry, it ain't too far from here. C'mon, Millie!"

The Zoroark picked the Banette up off the ground, as him and the Zorua accompanying him walked off elsewhere.
Owen had no idea where he was actually going. For all he knew, this could be very bad.
Surrounded by unfamiliar entities, in an unfamiliar place.. what if this was some kind of simulation that Riley set up?!
..Oh, well. He was too distracted by the waves of pain being sent up and down his being to think about that.
There had to be SOME kind of explanation for this.. right??
Oh? Another one..?

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