Chapter Two

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Song of choice
Willow - Sombr
Cant Catch Me Now - Olivia Rodrigo

Song of choice Willow - Sombr+Cant Catch Me Now - Olivia Rodrigo

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Evelyn found herself in an unusually serene place. The gentle breeze caressed her eyelashes, while the sun bathed her pale skin, giving it warmth and an ethereal glow. She felt weightless, devoid of any stress or worries.

She hesitated to open her eyes, fearing that it would disrupt the peace she was experiencing. She wanted to make the most of this moment before reality would inevitably pull her back. Nestling her body into the softness of the pillow beneath her, Relaxing her muscles as she breathed softly, allowing her heartbeat to settle into a steady rhythm.

"What are you down there little witch?"

Evelyn quickly sat up from her, what she now saw was a bed of weeds and flowers looking for the person who Spoke. It was then that she noticed the white satin dress she was wearing and the absence of scars that once painted her skin into an ugly canvas, remnants of her not so good past with her relatives and professor.

A woman with Beautiful red hair that fell just above her shoulders- were looking at her with sadness. She was a small distance away, enough to speak without raising her voice.

Unsure exactly where she was now, all she remembered was someone holding her. Why though?

"I don't know," she replied softly, her mind searching for explanations, as the woman approached her slowly.

The War- She remembered. She had done it- but at what cost.

" It's alright darling. Walk with me." She offered a hand to Evelyn who stared at it with a hint of hesitation for a moment, before putting her hand in hers.


Narcissa silently gazed at Evelyn's lifeless looking body for a few moments. Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps filled the room as the children rushed in. "We brought water, towels, and some things we took from Draco's dresser for her... Mrs. Malfoy?"

The group of friends had rushed to grab what they needed but didn't expect to come back to her staring at the girls body. Looking sympathetic and slightly disturbed. In a quiet tone She acknowledged them, "What happens to a person when they find their soulmate?"

The group looked at one another confused but answered. Unsure of what she had going through her head.

" They get their initials on their wrist."


Evelyn continued walking hand in hand with the unnamed lady, following a path that seemed to lead somewhere. She couldn't help but feel a sense of safety and comfort in her presence, something she hadn't experienced in a long time. Something she hasn't felt with someone as much as she did with her. Just like a mothers embrace- or so she assumes that's what a mothers comfort felt like.

Daydreamer (Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin