Chapter 3

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She was not surprised to have been chosen as her school's champion. There simply was no other option. Who, other than herself, would the cup have chosen? Celine Blanc? She can't do anything unless a step-by-step instruction manual is in front of her. Amelie Lemaire? The girl would crack under the pressure immediately. No. The cup's only choice was Fleur Isabelle Delacour, the greatest witch of her age.

She smiled to herself as she walked down the stairs into the antechamber. She remembered her new friends' cheers as she was chosen. She remembered how her heart sang out at seeing Harry's proud smile. She never really had friends, not counting Olympe, so it surprised her to no end as to how good it felt. How right it felt to be wanted.

She opened the door at the end of the antechamber and came across the Hogwarts and Durmstrang champions. Cedric Diggory was a tall, extremely handsome young man. His chiseled features and wavy hair sent many Hogwarts girls crazy. Viktor Krum was slightly shorter than Cedric. The thin, sallow man had short dark hair and extremely dark eyes. Both turned to her as she came into the chamber. As expected, both men's eyes glassed over as they watched her approach. To their credit, though, they regained a semblance of composure after a minute. She shook hands with both of them and went to stand by the fireplace, awaiting the judges entrance.

A few minutes later, she heard the chamber door open and turned to see Harry standing there. She never got tired of seeing him. As she approached him, however, she could see that something was wrong

"'Arry! Do zey want us back in ze Hall?" She asked kindly.

Harry just turned to her and looked into her eyes. He said nothing, yet his eyes expressed all the hurt, anger and confusion that he was experiencing.

Fleur walked up to him and cupped his face with her hands. "What iz it. What 'appened?"

At that very moment, the door burst open and Dumbledore briskly walked in, followed by the judges, the other Headmasters and a few Hogwarts teachers. Ludo Bagman loudly came in last.

"Extraordinary!" he proclaimed. "Absolutely extraordinary! Gentlemen... lady," he said with a small bow as he approached the champions. "May I introduce, for the first time ever, the fourth Triwizard Champion!"

Fleur straightened up and turned to Harry. "What does he mean, fourth champion?"

Harry seemed to be staring into space, having neither heard her or the other outbursts.

"Very funny joke Mr. Bagman" Viktor said with a scowl.

"Joke?" Bagman repeated. "No, not at all my dear boy. Harry's name just came out of the Goblet of Fire!"

Fleur quickly cut in, "Zere must 'ave been a mistake. E' cannot compete, It is too dangerous!". As she said this, she put her arm a protective arm around her beloved, holding him tightly.

"As you know, the age restriction has only been put in place this year as an extra safety precaution. And since his name came out of the goblet, he is magically bound to compete. Harry will just have to do the best he—"

"Dumbledore, what is the meaning of this?" an incensed looking Karkaroff asked. "Two Hogwarts champions? How is this fair to any of the other schools?" He asked as he looked to Madam Maxime for support.

Maxime could only watch as her favorite student's chosen mate had been effectively given the death penalty. She knew that the ministry had taken extra precautions this year, but she had also read about the tournament's carnage and bloodshed. She felt a great deal of pity for this young man who must now face insurmountable odds.

"I do not know what 'happened, Igor, but it is said and done. Young Mr. Potter must compete." Maxine said with a glare to the Durmstrang Headmaster.

"It is no one's fault other than Potter's," said Snape, softly. His black eyes glaring holes into Harry's back. "Don't go blaming Dumbledore for Potter's determination for breaking rules. He has been crossing lines ever since he stepped foot into this—"

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