Chapter 8

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He stared down at the contents of the package. His blood ran cold. His palms were clammy and his throat felt stuck. He knew where these items had come from, yet his mind did not want to accept it. In a shaky voice, he asked "Fleur, what is this? Why are you giving this to me?".

Fleur just cocked her head to the side and looked at him strangely, "It iz your gift" she stated, as if that answered all his questions.

"Did- did you kill him?" he asked bluntly, yet he already knew the answer just by looking in her eyes. Fleur noted his obvious discomfort and looked away, her hands went to her hair as she nervously ran her fingers through it. She seemed to be struggling to say something. After a few moments, she spoke up "I did what I 'ad to do. For you. I did it for you, my love". Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears as she looked up at him

She snatched his hands from in front of him and held on tightly. In her desperation, she switched to her native tongue and began to speak rapidly, "I couldn't stand the fact that that monster could get away with what he did. He deserved what happened to him. You are the most important person in my life, Harry. I would do anything for you. I will never see you hurt again, I will not stand for it. Please, please understand that... that I...".

Her tears did fall, then. Her shoulders slumped and she fell forward into Harry's embrace. She clutched his shirt in her hands, burying her face into his chest. Heartbreaking sobs issued from her, tears stained his shirt as she begged for forgiveness. Harry looked down at her trembling form, she was actively trying to hold back her sobs but was failing miserably. His heart ached just looking at her in such despair. He did the only thing he could do; slowly, he put his arms around her and held her close.

"I was so stupid, and now he hates me. Why would someone like him ever want to be with a disgusting creature?" She asked herself, still pitifully trying to gain comfort by holding on to Harry. He was the best thing that had ever happened to her, and she had gone and ruined it. Never again would she find love like this. Never again would she find someone who understood her and made her feel like a princess. She would never have love, for who could love a monster?

Gentle, calloused hands circled her shoulders, and held her tightly... lovingly. Fresh tears came forth, and she let them fall. She buried her face even deeper into his chest, taking all of him in. His hands moved again, and he picked her up, bridal style, and carried her to her bed. He sat down on the bed and pulled her back to his chest. Harry- her Harry- was stroking hair out of her face, drying her tears with his thumbs. What had she done to earn such amazing treatment? How could he stand to be in her presence? What could she do to make this right?

Harry cleared his throat and asked a simple question, "Did he...uh... mention me?... Before he...?"

Opening her eyes, she looked at him. His usually bright eyes seemed dull. He was chewing on his lip and she could feel him shaking. He held his breath as she answered truthfully.

" He said he did what he had to do in ze name of 'is God". The words felt like garbage in her mouth, they disgusted her to no end. She saw his face fall as she said this. She reached over and took his hand, lovingly stroking his palm with her thumb.

"Did he suffer?"

She closed her eyes, knowing this would be the last time he would ever want to talk to her. She would not lie to him, he deserved better than to be lied to. The next few moments were spent feeling his hand in hers, breathing in his unforgettable scent, and feeling his body against hers for the last time.



She bolted upright and stared at him, disbelievingly. She must have misheard him. Her mind had a hard time catching up with what he had just said. He was... glad that he had suffered?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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