Chapter 7

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Fleur POV

Fleur was furious, more than furious. Why would they do that to Harry. He did nothing to deserve it. He went through hell and came back wounded, but whole. He was the kindest, sweetest person she's ever met, and they abuse HIM?

Last night, when she opened her eyes and saw his scars, she almost transformed there and then. Thoughts had run through her head as she painstakingly held back her transformation. Who would do this to him? Is this still happening? Who are they? Where are they? Would her talons be able to carve through their pathetic little—" Harry stopped her thoughts dead in their tracks. He said that he understood if she didn't want to be with him anymore. Her heart broke for him. She didn't mind the scars. They were his. Part of who he was. They showed his strength, and his will. She shut his train of thought down, quick.

As Harry slept, she planned. She had to get him out of that house. Away from those people. She wanted to hunt down his relatives and make them experience the pain her love had gone through before setting them on fire, but she had to be smarter than that. She had to speak to her father, surely he'd be able to do something for him. If not, she'd just take him herself. She did not care how much trouble that would attract.

The priest, however, was fair game. She had plans for that pig. He would beg for mercy before she was done with him. He had hurt her love, his screams would be music to her ears. Harry's grip around her became a bit tighter, and he pulled her closer. Even asleep, he wanted her close. With one last kiss to his scarred chest, she snuggled in deeper and fell asleep.

Harry POV

The Yule Ball had been announced at breakfast the next morning during breakfast. Pandemonium ensued.

Harry could not walk anywhere in the castle without being accosted by droves of girls asking him to be their dates to the ball. He actively had to avoid Ginny Weasley who had taken to stalking him all over the castle. He had to dissuade all of them, and he had the perfect plan.

With a little help from the twins, he had it all set up, now he just had to pray that she said yes. He had told Fleur to save him a seat during dinner that night. He hid under his invisibility cloak, and when she was looking at the empty spot next to her, he transfigured some salt shakers and utensils to gorgeous multicolored butterflies. As she tentatively went to touch them, he moved them farther away. Baiting her along until she, and other curious students, were following them out of the great hall and into the Hogwarts grounds.

As soon as they were far enough away from the castle, Harry conjured hundreds of fireflies, all spread across the field, pulsating and creating a marvelous sight. Hidden in the shadows, he tapped George on the shoulder twice, George gave a slight nod, then threw the firework he held in his hand to Fred. Fred nimbly caught it, flew up high, and lit the firework.

The sound that came out of the firework was not an explosion, but a gentle song. The firework was a huge, spectacular light show that bathed the night sky in blue and silver sparks. In elegant cursive, the sparks in the sky spelled out "Fleur, will you go to the ball with me?".

Harry got into position in front of Fleur, got down on one knee and pulled off the cloak, revealing himself to her. In his hand was a bouquet of flowers, "What do you say, ma fleur d'argent?" , he said. With tears in her eyes, illuminated by the fireflies, she pulled him up with seemingly inhuman strength and kissed him deeply. He heard groans all around him, no doubt from the people who wanted to ask them to the ball, but he didn't care. Every second they kissed felt like an eternity, but yet it didn't last long enough. She held him close and he could feel tears falling onto his neck. "I'll assume that's a yes?" he asked. She held him tighter and nodded. As the other people started their trek back to the castle, Fleur and Harry stayed there, content to be in each other's arms.

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