-Girl With the Knives-

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so sorry about the long period of inactivity, it's summer and i've been working and going out almost every day... don't worry there's more to come soon!!!!


"Two victors may be crowned if they both originate from the same district."

My heart stops, but when I turn to stare at Cato, he's already staring at me. There's this...incredulous look of disbelief and terror and joy all bundled up into one, gleaming out of those deep blue depths.

"Clove," is all he can say before the two of us crash into one another, locking into a tight, desperate embrace.

A thousand thoughts flow through my mind in an instant. Why now? And is this even real?

When we break apart, Cato is smiling but only barely. I know he's thinking the same thing as I am. This rule change was not meant for us, the tribute pair from Districy 2.

But if he's thinking it, he doesn't say it. He just looks at me with those beautiful lapis lazuli eyes and then pulls me in again. His lips brush my ear, ticking me slightly as his breath lifts the flyaway stands of my hair.

"We can go home," he whispers. "Clove, we will go home."

The words send chills down my spine. Does Cato believe the legitimacy of this rule change? I wrack my brain for any memory of something like this happening in a pervious game, but there is none. I suppose it's also a first that all of Panem is probably rooting for our enemies.

"We'll go home," I whisper back, although my brain tells me it's wishful thinking. "together."

And at this, Cato breaks away, takes one of my cheeks in his hand and kisses me. It brings back memories of the first kiss we ever shared, in the wreckage of our room back in the training center. It's long, slow, passionate. It's the way i imaged Cato kissing the marble carver's daughter back home.

For the first time we reveal ourselves to the world. Honestly, I couldn't care less. Right now all that matters is that Cato is drawing me closer, edging me onto his lap as he deepens the kiss.

It's the first time i've really wanted to go further than this, I realize. I tug at Cato's jacket, throwing it to the side so I can feel the hard muscles in his arms. He flexes them and I laugh.

"Cato, come on. There's kids watching this!" I push him playfully, imagining the crowd in the Capitol going crazy over us.

"They've gotta learn eventually," He says teasingly, his hands straying dangerously close to my butt.

I laugh again, but push him away for real this time and grin. "Alright, enough of that. Let's talk strategy."

"I say we talk dirty instead," he chuckles.

I swipe him over the head, blushing. "You weirdo."

"You know you like it," he lilts, but sits up straight and watched me expectantly. "alright, what's the plan?"

"I say that for at least the foreseeable future we go about as if the rule change is legit," I say. "Although I still don't trust it."

Cato frowns suddenly, seeming to realize the gravity of my words. "Oh, yeah." He scratches his head. "You think they would turn it back on us?"

"Absolutely," I say. "They want to see it come down to the two teams. Once they've had their showdown..."

"Don't talk like that," Cato spits. "it do has to be real. It's an absolute shock those coal munchers haven't died already, but I guarantee you clove, we are getting out of here together."

I nod tentatively. I look up at the sky, wondering what the people of the Capitol must make of this back and forth. Are they laughing at our naïveté? Are they biting their nails in anticipation? Booing us? Cheering us on? It's unpredictable. Not knowing what stunts the others are pulling, there's no way to predict our public approval from inside the arena.

"We have to kill them first," I say. "Before Thresh. Finch will take care of herself."

"Cato looks puzzled. "Finch?"

"The redhead from Five. The sneaky one, I saw her right before Marvel died."

He shrugs. "She seemed small, probably low on food now. If starvation doesn't take her out, It won't be hard for us to do the job."

I nod. Then something hits me that I had never thought of before.

"The bow," I spurt. "That's- The bow! That's how she got the eleven!"

Cato looks puzzled, but very slowly his features grow gaunt with realiziatoon.  He silently mouths "the bow," and shakes his head.

Of course that's the weapon she has. A long range weapon, capable of activating a mine field from yards away. A weapon capable of killing the limber boy from One in a split second. A weapon capable of becoming her signature. Katniss Everdeen, the Girl on Fire, is a master archer.

And she is a master manipulator. Maybe she doesn't know that herself, but that girl has a way of lighting the world on fire with her otherwise dull self. She doesn't need ruthlessness or charm. She has the power of her sparkly dresses and tragic story with the blonde-haired lover boy.

It's then that I realize this competition is more difficult than I had previously expected. We're not up against just pure smarts or strength this year, it's something else entirely.

I look at Cato, who's staring at me in a puzzled way. I realize I must have drifted off in my thoughts, and shake my head. He sighs, but I smile slyly, an idea materializing in my mind.

Very slowly, I make my way toward him. His eyes follow my movements, and I rest my hands on his shoulders, looking directly down at him. I cock my head mischievously.

"Why don't we put on a show of our own?" I ask.

His eyes widen in surprise. "Clove?"

I smirk. "You know. Got to level the playing ground."

"You're vile," He scoffs, but throws his arms around my waist. "And what do you suggest we do, girl with the knives?"

"Girl with the knives?" I say, tasting the title on my tongue. "I like it."

"Yeah?" he says cockily. "And who would I be?"

I laugh, lowering myself into his lap. "Whatever you want."

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