Chapter 1

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"Get moving, Gold" Funneh shouted out irritably.

The second mermaid swam quickly next to Funneh.

"I'm trying; it's not my fault that you're such a fast swimmer," Gold said, trying to pick up the pace.

Funneh rolled her eyes and continued to swim.

"Where are we even going?" questioned Gold, still trying to keep up with her speedy sister.

Funneh abruptly stopped swimming, turned around, and flipped over in front of Gold.

"We're heading to the sunken ships", Funneh replied as she flipped back over.

As soon as Gold heard her own sister's stupid comment, she stopped swimming.

"What! you know we can't visit the shipwrecks. There are several sharks there, and it's highly dangerous." Gold exclaimed.

"Getting cold fins?" Funneh laughed as she circled Gold in the water.

Gold rolled her eyes.

Funneh grabbed Gold's hand as she swam off to the ships that once belonged to humans.

—The danger zone—

They had finally reached the darkest depths of the ocean. Gold was anxious; Funneh wasn't. She was already aware about the shipwrecks.

Gold glanced the area, wishing desperately to go back home. She had finally loosened Funneh's grip on her arm. Funneh paused and looked puzzled.

"All right, Funneh, you had your fun. Time to go home, said Gold.

As she swam toward the ships, Funneh smirked.  Gold rushed after her.

"Funneh, wait! There might be sharks down there!" stated Gold.

"Stop being such a guppy", Funneh said.

"I'm not a guppy", Gold said.

Funneh spotted a brown satchel handbag inside one of the abandoned ships. She grabbed it and then continued to explore the ship.

Gold was filled with nervousness as she worried about what would happen to them both. Suddenly she heard what sounded like Funneh screaming.

"Funneh?! Are you alright?"

Gold swam instantly to the ship Funneh was in.

Funneh turned to face Gold as she reached the ship and smiled widely. She was holding what appeared to be a smaller version of a trident.

"Check this out! I've never seen a trident as small as this.

As she tucked the little trident in her bag, Gold let out a huge sigh of relief.

"I thought you were hurt, If Rainbow thought you were hurt, she would have gone insane." said Gold.

Funneh grabbed a yellow object with an odd label on it, totally ignoring what her overly protective sister was saying.

"Potato chips? I wonder what those are", Funneh said, as she placed the bag of potato chips into her bag.

Gold attempted to convince her and Funneh to get back home until she heard growling in the distance.

"What was that?" Gold trembled in terror and questioned.

Just to see what she meant, Funneh turned around. "What is it now?"  Funneh sounded irritated.

When she looked behind Gold, she saw a large gray shark getting ready to bite off her head.

Funneh yelled, "Shark!" Gold gasped as she turned around and saw the enormous shark that was behind her.

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