Chapter 2

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—The kingdom—
Funneh made it up to the shore with Alec, gently placing him down on the sand.  Funneh rested her head on his chest, checking his heartbeat, and whispered to herself, "Please don't be dead." Shifting back to her upright position, she turned to face Alec's still body. "He's breathing!" Funneh remarked happily. 

—Part of your world reprise—By Jodi Benson
What would I give to live where you are?
What would I pay to stay here beside you?
What would I do to see you smiling at me?
Where would we walk, where would we run
If we could stay all day in the sun
Just you and me, and I could be
Part of your world.

Alec's eyes were slowly opening. He heard the sweetest voice and saw the most beautiful long blue hair in his foggy vision. Funneh smiled at Alec, glad he was still alive.

Draco, who was hiding behind a rock close to the shore, gasped when he saw his sister with a human. "Oh no," he said.
Lunar came from behind and leaped onto his back, completely scaring him.  "Get off me! You fool!" Draco said annoyed.  Lunar got off his back and got back in the water, hiding behind the same rock with him. "Didn't expect to find you here, and I really didn't expect to find her here", Lunar said as she was getting ready to swim closer to the shore. Draco grabbed Lunar's arm, stopping her from heading towards the sand. "You listen to me sis, the king or Rainbow can never here of this, we are going to forget this ever happened", Draco said. Lunar was paying no attention and kept looking at Funneh and the human.  Draco splashed the cold water onto Lunar's skin. "Hey!" Lunar shouted. "Are you listening to me?" Draco asked raising an eyebrow. Lunar responded, "Yassssah".
"You won't tell them, I won't tell them, an I will stay in one piece you got it?" Draco said trying to get reason out of Lunar. "Got it!" "Sorry what'd you say again?" Lunar asked. "I'm a dead fish", Draco said while slapping his head.

"Check the coast men!"
"Over here!"
Funneh heard several male voices in the distance and quickly went back into the water.  Draco and Lunar hurriedly returned to the sea to avoid being spotted.   As Alec was now conscious, Funneh was watching the men helping him up.

—The Castle—
"I swear!  Alec assured Ally, "I'm not lying to you. "Being saved by a blue-haired girl who was singing to you?" Asked Ally.  "I'm not sure exactly how her hair looked, but I just know that it was blue!" Alec answered.

Alec's head was being bandaged by the maids as they made sure he wasn't ill or harmed. Ally remarked, "I think you need to rest."  Alec stormed out of the room after taking off the bandages angrily.

—Wild uncharted waters-The little mermaid live action—

All I ever wanted
Was the open sea and sky
Freedom from the life I always knew
Now all I am is haunted
As days and hours roll by
All I ever think about is you
There you are (ah), over me (ah)
Taking me with your song to (ah)
Wild uncharted waters
Miles beyond the sea
I was darkness bound, I had almost drowned
'Til you came around, and you found me
Now I am on the shoreline
But I'm still lost at sea
In these wild uncharted waters
Come find me again
All I do is wonder
Who you are and where you'll be
In my mind, your melody goes on
Stronger than the undertow
The night you rescued me
Silhouetted by the rising dawn
Oh (ah), over you (ah)
I cannot get over you (ah)
In wild uncharted waters
Beyond where man can see
When your eyes outshine the horizon line
And you're finally real, here beside me
I'm right here on the shoreline
I'm right where you left me
And your voice is like
A siren that guides me to
Wild uncharted waters
Alone, just you and me
And I hope you're there in the open air
There's no map or compass to guide me, no
Time may change the shoreline
But time will not change me
If it takes my life
I will finally find you again
In uncharted waters
Come find me again

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