Chapter 3

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Gold helped Funneh swim to a nearby island, and Draco was rambling on how Rainbow would react or how the king would even react.

"Maybe if we politely ask the king to use his little triton on you, you can turn back into a mermaid and pretend none of this has ever happened", Draco said. Gold looked back at him, rolled her eyes, and responded, "I think we should worry about how in the world we're going to get her voice and hair back". Funneh was holding onto Gold's hands, trying her very best to kick her little feet. "How are we Even going to look after her when she goes to a populated island? We can't let the humans see us", Draco said. Gold started thinking of an idea. "Lunar's pretty good at sneaking into places; maybe we can get her to sneak inside the palace and steal the king's triton, and then she can turn herself into a human too", Gold said. Draco nodded his head in agreement and kept swimming. Funneh was, of course, silent.

After a couple of minutes, or maybe even hours, Gold let go of Funneh so that she could try swimming by herself. "Good job! You're doing great!" Gold cheered. Funneh was about to cheer for herself too until a net swooped in the water and scooped her up. "FUNNEH!" Gold shouted. "I'm going to get Lunar and tell her the plan! Follow that ship no matter what", Draco said as he dove back under the water. On the mysterious ship that picked up Funneh was a man, and as soon as he saw that there was a girl in his net, he quickly ran to her and helped her out of the net. "I'm so sorry!" The man said, untangling the net from Funneh, "You must have been shipwrecked; here, I'll get you something to cover you up", the man added. Funneh nodded her head and rested her legs on the ship's wooden floor. The man came running back with a potato sack and quickly put it on her, as it was a piece of clothing. "This is all I have for the moment, but don't worry; the queen should know what to do with you", the man said. Funneh nodded once again and smiled at the man as a thank you for helping her out.

—The kingdom—
Back at the kingdom, the man helped Funneh up in the back of his vehicle. "Don't worry, these horses are faster than they look", the man said while smiling at Funneh. Funneh smiled back.

—For the first time—by Halle Bailey—
Look at the sun and the sky and the sand
And the sea behind me
Look at me, suddenly I am on land and I'm free
Don't mind me as I
Climb for the first time
Jump for the first time
Trying to stand but this gravity's pulling me down
Look, it's a fire, it's warm and it glows
And it lights this chamber
Let me admire it, ow! Get too close and it bites
I came too close for the first time
Burned for the first time
Everything's clearer and brighter and hotter
But now that I'm here like a fish out of water
I'm trying to stand but this gravity's pulling me down
Are we only food for slaughter?
Is this life on land?
Well, you were lonely underwater
Come on, Funneh, time to stand
Squeeze in the shoes and the corset, it's tight
And the seams are busting
Some women choose this, I guess it's alright
Are my dreams adjusting?
As I wait for the first time
Here for the first time
Now for the first time
He's coming through those doors
Up the stairs
From the shore
From that moment
And he'll smile
Like he knows
When I say
Realize the price that you paid with your voice
As he turns from you
Those sacrifices you made were a choice
That you can't undo
Lost for the first time
Scared for the first time
Gravity feels like an undertow pulling me down.

After a long, tiring day of trying to walk, Funneh finally got the chance to lay in the soft bed. "It feels so nice in here, but I'm getting really bored; maybe I'll explore this huge castle", Funneh said in her head. "It stinks that I can't talk, and why did she have to chop off like half of my hair?" Funneh's head added. Funneh got up from the bed and walked slowly to the doorway, mainly so that she wouldn't fall and crack her head open.

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