Chapter 5 Finale

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Back under the sea, Amara held Funneh by her arm and swam back to her lair. "Amara!" A voice from the distance said.

Amara was stopped in her tracks by the sea king, who then pointed his triton in at her.  The king gave the command, "Release the girl." Amara grinned. Amara responded, "You sweet fool, we had a blood deal; not even you could reverse her doings if you could. After looking at Funneh, the king turned to face Amara while lowering his triton. The king declared, "Release her, and I will give you my power; I am the reason why she made that bargain with you; I destroyed everything she had."  Amara hurled Funneh to the bottom of the ocean and then extended her hand to the triton. The king threw the triton into her hands. Amara started to grin as she realized she could now control the entire ocean.

Amara aimed the trident directly at the king's face and said, "Now, time to finish YOU off." The king was struck by the trident, which sent him plummeting to the ocean's bottom. "Aren't you glad he's no longer here? Amara said, "He wrecked everything. Even though Funneh wanted to just swim away, she knew her fate.
Not even seconds later, Amara felt a sharp pain; she was hit by an extremely sharp piece of wood. "OW! Who did that!?!?!" Amara hissed. Alec swam back up to the surface above her, hardly able to breathe as he did so. "Grab him!" Amara shouted. Alec was pulled back down by two of Amara's eels after they swam toward him and seized him by both feet. Alec was now the target of Amara's trident attack until Funneh pushed Amara, completely missing her aim but aiming for the eels instead. The two of the eels blew up into millions of pieces, whilst Funneh swam up to Alec and helped him swim up to the surface.

"My babies..." Amara whined while looking at the ashes of the fallen eels.

At the surface, Funneh warned Alec to leave: Alec, you have to go; she'll kill you!" Funneh cried. Alec shook his head and said, "I'm not leaving you!" Alec stated. Minutes later, rumbling came from under the water. It was Amara; she had grown 10 times bigger than she already was. She was a mad woman. She began laughing like crazy. She slammed the triton into the water, attempting to squish Funneh and Alec; luckily, they dodged the attack. "Look out!" Funneh cried again. The two dove into the water, and the triton caused them to split up into different parts of the water.

Under water, Funneh looked for a way to escape with Alec. She spotted a shipwreck that was close by and had an idea.

Amara was tired of their little games; she was running out of attacks until she realized that she could just make a whirlpool with the triton. Amara began stirring the water with the triton as if it were baking mix in a bowl.

Funneh grinned at the sight of the whirlpool. "This works out perfectly", she remarked to herself. The shipwreck was slowly getting lifted up to the surface, which was perfect for Funneh's plan. Meanwhile, Alec was struggling to even survive. He somehow managed to find a rope and tie himself to it so that he wouldn't get lost in the currents. "So long, lover boy!" Amara cackled while shooting a blast at Alec; luckily, the blast missed him.

While Alec was distracting Amara, Funneh managed to get onto the once-sunken ship and flopped around like a fish on land. Once she managed to get a hold of the soaked deck, she immediately started crawling towards the half-broken helm.

"You're all by yourself, Alec!" Amara cackled while pointing the triton at him once more. "Am I?" Alec responded while pointing in Amara's direction. Puzzled, Amara turned around to see a once-sunk ship coming right towards her.

Moments later, the ship impaled Amara, causing her to scream in pain. "AGHH!" Amara yelled.  That was the end of Amara; her body and the ship sank into the water. All of the dark clouds began to clear up, and the sky was blue once again.

Alec untied his foot from the rope and fell into the water. "Funneh?! Funneh, Where are you?!"" Alec shouted.  Funneh heard Alec's voice and quickly tried swimming towards him, but then paused.
She looked at her reflection in the water and looked back up. "I'm sorry Alec..." Funneh said to herself. Funneh dove back into the water, searching for the king's trident. "Where is that thing?" She asked herself. After what felt like years of searching, she finally found the trident sticking up in the sand and quickly grabbed it; it was heavier than she thought it would be. She looked around to see if the king was nearby, but then heard a soft female voice; it was Yulia, the king's daughter. "Funneh... I'm sorry for everything. I didn't mean for your grotto to get destroyed or for you to make a horrible deal with that sea witch", Yulia said as she tried holding back her tears. "My mother wanted to thank you for defeating the sea witch, and she wants to give you a reward, but she doesn't know what to reward you with", Yulia stated. "Do you have anything in mind? Yulia added.
Funneh looked at Yulia; she instantly knew what she wanted. "Well, I do have one in mind", Funneh said.

Above the water, Alec continued to shout Funneh's name over and over again, but there was no answer. As Alec was about to lose all hope, Lunar appeared with a wooden row boat and asked, "Need some assistance?" Lunar asked, and Alec sighed and got into the boat, knowing that there was no point in staying in the water.

Back at shore, Alec hopped out of the boat and sat down on the sand, thinking about everything that had happened. Lunar looked at Alec, feeling a tad bit guilty, but she knew that it probably wasn't meant to be anyway. She sat down beside Alec and laid down on the warm sand. She stared at the sky for a little bit before speaking, "You really loved her, didn't you?" Luna asked, still facing the sky. Alec looked out into the deep blue sea and thought about Funneh, then answered Lunar's question, "Yeah, I'm assuming you did too; she is your sister after all" Lunar smiled a bit and continued to look up at the sky. Alec continued to look at the sea; it wasn't long before he noticed a female figure rise from the water. "Miss me?" Funneh chuckled while looking at Alec and Lunar. Alec quickly got up, and so did Lunar. Lunar rushed over to Funneh and gave her a huge hug. "Absolutely! Wait a minute, where did you get this sparkly dress from? Speaking of the dress, how did you get your legs back?" Lunar asked curiously while looking at Funneh's dress and legs. Funneh giggled and pointed behind her and Alec.

Behind them were Rainbow, Gold, and Draco waving to them, but instead of their mermaid tails, they all had legs. Lunar ran up to the others and hugged them as well. Lunar was still confused and turned back around to face Funneh. "How did you—?" "Yulia offered to turn us into humans too!" Rainbow said while smiling, "That makes sense" to which Lunar replied.
Alec laughed, then walked up to Funneh and said, "Your hair is back", Alec giggled while pointing directly at Funneh's head. Funneh laughed back and looked at Alec. "I didn't even notice", She replied. "You guys are cheesy! Let's have a celebration party!" Rainbow shouted, Funneh and Alec looked at Rainbow and laughed, "That sounds like a great idea! Alec responded, Have you ever had cake?" Alec asked.

After that they all partied and had a great time, the END.

(Finally 😒😭)

I'm glad you all enjoyed The Little krewmaids! I look forward to making more stories in the future and improving while doing so :D!

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