Chapter 14- A Cry for Unity

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Ilyana- Before
The morning light trickled through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room as I stirred from my slumber. The weariness clung to my limbs, weighing me down as I dragged myself out of bed. To my surprise, Azad was already waiting at the breakfast table, his eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and determination."Baba and Dalilah both refuse to eat with me, so they already ate," he explained, a touch of loneliness tinged his voice as he wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him. "How are you feeling today?""Much better," I replied, forcing a small smile. I rubbed my eyes, the remnants of sleep still clouding my vision. "I think I was just overwhelmed."Azad's eyebrows furrowed, his concern etched on his face. "That's not normal," he remarked, his voice laced with worry.I settled into a seat, the wooden chair cool against my skin. With a sigh, I reached for the knife and sliced a piece of cheese, the sharp blade meeting the resistance of the bread with a soft, satisfying sound. The scent of freshly cut cheese filled the air, mingling with the aroma of the steaming tea Azad poured."No, I suppose not," I mused, as I took a sip of the tea, its warmth spreading through me, offering a momentary respite.The tension in the room grew palpable as I mustered the courage to voice the question that had been gnawing at me. "Why are you so opposed to my marriage?" I asked with a mix of curiosity and apprehension."As your brother, I don't think it's fair for you to have no say in your marriage," he answered, he added jokingly "Besides, as the eldest, shouldn't I get married first?"A heavy sigh escaped my lips, a mixture of resignation and frustration. "Bhaijaan, if that were true, you would have objected long ago," I said wearily. "Besides, you never asked if I was opposed to it or not.""Are you?" Azad's voice held a hint of vulnerability as he posed the question, his eyes searching my face for an answer. I shifted uncomfortably, my gaze drifting away. "Your lack of answer has always been answer enough."Swallowing a dry piece of toast, the rough texture scraping against my throat, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the unspoken truths lingering between us. "What's this really about?" I pressed.His gaze dropped to his plate, his fingers tracing patterns on its surface, deliberating in uncharacteristic silence. "You can trust me," I tried to assure him."I know I can," he finally replied. "I just don't want to burden you.""Tell me," I urged. "I can handle it. Remember, this is my future at stake."Still, he remained silent, the weight of his unspoken words hanging heavily in the air. "Are you worried Layth is not a good man?" I ventured.Azad shook his head slowly, his expression still clouded. "No... he's not bad... but blind. Just like the rest of them.""The rest of them?" "The royals."

"And what's so wrong with the royals?"

 "Ilyana, I can't tell you everything," he replied, his eyes pleading for my trust. "But please, trust me. Don't go forward with the marriage. Don't become one of them."

Frustration bubbled up inside me, fueled by the overwhelming sense of expectation placed upon me. As much as I loved my brother, I couldn't always grant him the answers he sought on a silver platter. It was time he understood that.

"Bhaijaan, that's all easier said than done, and trust has to go both ways," I retorted, my voice laced with frustration. "I can't go back on a decade-long agreement just because you said so. You're being so vague and expecting me to understand."Azad seemed to read the frustration etched across my face, his expression turning somber. "Alright then, tell me what you do want.""I want this family to put up a united front for once," With a steadying breath, I fought back the impulse to snap, my frustration simmering beneath the surface. "I want you and Baba to stop fighting. I want our mothers to get along." The words spilled out, raw and unfiltered, my tone taking on the edge of warning. "And I would really appreciate it if you didn't spew such nonsense about the royal family, do you realize how treasonous you sound right now?"His eyes flickered with a momentary blaze of anger, swiftly vanishing as if it had never been. "Ilyana, I pray for nothing but the best for our family," he uttered, his voice carrying a hint of resignation. "No matter what, I will stand by your side." The words bore a poignant pledge, his unwavering commitment standing in stark contrast to the look on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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