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(Mons POV)

I was already in a nice comfortable outfit, and even as much as I liked it..I would rather match with Khun Sam.

We quickly went downstairs and I had forgotten my parents didn't know Khun Sam was sleeping over. I pushed her back upstairs and back into my room. "You'll have to use find a way back down without my parents seeing you, they don't know you slept over" I whispered. "Who cares? Your parents love me" she says as she walked out and headed downstairs. "Please don't embarrass me mom" I whisper. I followed Khun Sam downstairs and saw my mother and dad watching TV.
"Mon are you- oh lady Sam what a surprise haha what are you doing here?" My mom asked. "Hello. I hope you don't mind I'm here we're just about to leave , Mon mentioned you gave her a list of necessaries so I will accompany her" she says, giving my mom a slight smile.
"Oh thank you for accompanying our dear Mon, sometimes she can forget things. Since you're more responsible it's good you'll help her remember. Well I hope you have fun. Pleasure to have you over" my mom replied. "The pleasure was mine, have a good afternoon" Khun Sam replies.

As we walked outside into her car, she opened her car door for me once again. I smiled and got inside. I love having this princess treatment.

I put my phone in my pocket. As soon as she started the car I rolled down the window a bit so I could get a bit of air. If I don't get at least some air while being inside a car I feel carsick and I really don't want to make a mess in her beautiful car. Halfway through our store drive I was looking at the window, admiring the view. I enjoy going out in beautiful days like these. Sometimes all you need is a beautiful day with your favorite person, it can really make you happy. As I continue to admire nature I feel a cold hand go on top of my warm hand. As much as it was cold, I held it. I'll help warm up her beautiful hands.

After a few more minutes, we arrived.
She got down first and as soon as she did, I got down too.
I shut down the door behind me and saw Khun Sam with a confused face.

"What are you doing? Go back inside" she said, I was a bit confused but did as she told me. I got back inside and closed the door behind me. A few seconds she opened the door for me and held out her hand for me to grab. "Thank you" I whisper. She leaned close to my ear and whispered. "Remember, only I can open the door for you" shivers went down my spine as soon as those words escaped her mouth. I felt myself turning a bright shade of pink. She held out her hand and I took it. She locked her car and we held hands as we went inside the store.

We grabbed a shopping cart and started to look for the stuff we needed. As we were shopping we saw Yha, Noi, and Chin. We were a bit surprised to see them. Khun Sam and I immediately separated, she stayed in the bathroom supplies aisle while I went to the aisle next to hers.

All 3 of them came to my aisle first , I pretended to look at something, I saw a lot of animal food so I figured I must've been in the animal food section. At first they didn't recognize until they passed by me and recognized my scent.

"Mon?" Yha questions. I slowly turned around and gave them an awkward smile. "oh hi Mon! What are you doing here?" Noi asks. "Can't you see she's buying food for her dog?" Chin asks. "stop being such a bother chin I was just asking a question" noi replies back. "I'm just getting food for my.. dog uh I'ma go to the next aisle" I say, walking away as fast as I could. " Oh we'll go with you" they followed. Once we went over to the next aisle Khun Sam was looking at soaps. I kinda wished she would've gone to another aisle. Now they'll see we're matching!

"Oh Lady boss, what are you doing here?" Yha asks. Khun Sam turned around and saw all four of us, her eyes widen a bit. "Oh you and Mon are matching! So cute!" Chin says. Yha and noi look back at me and Sam. "Stop copying me" Khun Sam said, I was confused but she made a face to make me realize she was joking and to go along with it. "oh- oh. I didn't copy you. We must've felt the same vibe today ? Uh have a good day Lady boss" and with that I walked away.

I hope she gets rid of them somehow so we can go back home. I hope they don't suspect anything?

Hii guyss I'm so sorry for being inactive. I will try to post more often. Right now I'm focusing on myself and taking some time off of all my socials including Wattpad. Please understand, I will continue to upload but please forgive me if I don't post often. I'll work on that. I hope you enjoy! Byee !!

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