two. why is he here?

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Ariana's P.O.V

Finally class came to an end. I quickly got out of there as fast as I could. I found it really annoying having all the girls in the class literally drulling over Zayn. I rolled my eyes at them he's just a pathetic guy.. Anyway it was lunch now and I was making my way towards my locker to see Amy standing there angry.. Whoops I guessed I kinda left her before..

"What the hell?!! You just lefted me!" She screams at me.

"Sorry Amy I-I just...."

"Didn't want to be in the same room as Zayn." She says, this is why she is my best friend. "Don't worry about him Ariana, now just hurry up and get yo lunch." I do as she says and we walk to the cafeteria and as always the line is just too long to either bother. We it down at our usual spot in the back and start talking about random stuff while playing with a water bottle.

"Do you think the rest of 1D will come here? Even Niall?! OMG ARIANA IMAGINE IF NIALL JAMES HORAN COMES TO OUR SCHOOL!!! ERMAHGWAD!" She screams very excitedly about her future bf Niall James Horan.

"I don't know Amy." But before I know it a shadow fell on top of us and a lunch tray falls next to Amy. I jerk my head up to see the one and only Zayn Malik... "Um... Hi.." I say a little awkwardly...

"Sup." He says while propping himself next to Amy. Amy drags her eyes back to mine.

"Why is Zayn Malik sitting next to me?" She half whispers.

"You know I can hear you right?" Zayn says Amy blushes a bit being a wee bit embarassed.

"Why are you here?" I ask him looking him in his amazing big brown eyes that makes a girl's heart mel-What are you talking about Ariana?! He hurt you!

"I don't know I guess I don't really know anyone else here and all the girls are really clingy..." He explains.

"Oh..." Really Ariana Oh.... that's all you can say.

"Where's you guys's lunches?" He asks us examing our empty space infront of us..

"The line was too long and it's not really worth it..." I say looking down at the empty drink bottle in my hands.

"Well then here." He says offering me an apple.

"Nah it's ok." I say trying to focus on the water bottle not him..

"Fine then i'll have the apple but take the chips." He says chucking the packet of chips in between me and Amy. "I can't eat while you're both staring at me." I look up at him and gave him a confused look. Amy had no problem with saying no to the chips as she dug in. "Take it.." He says passing it to me.

"Thanks..." I say flatley and grab some chips. But I still can't figure him out... That is if there is something to figure out...

*After lunch*

I head down the hallway with my books craddled up to my chest on my way to world history. I never liked history... I didn't have it with Amy and also I'm always stuck with Hunter the class jerk who hits on every girl and has dated every girl. He often flips little pieces of paper onto my desk and it's really starting to get annoying...

I walk into class and take my usual seat in the back a row behind Hunter who was surrounded by desperate girls, I roll my eyes at them and take my work out and try to concentrate on anything else. All the girls were whipsering in his ear, giggling and bleh it really disgust me... Hunter looked back to me and winked giving me on of his signiture smiles. I just ignored him and tried to listen to what our teacher was saying until I see someone take the seat that is usually empty across from me. I look up to see the one and only Zayn Malik. 

"Vas Happenin Ariana? I didn't know you were in this class." He says to me.

"Yeah... There's alot of things you don't know about me..." I say looking down at my work trying to focus on anything else but him.. While I was trying to focus on my work a little piece of folded up paper landed on my desk. I look up to see Hunter with his smirk on his face...  I unfolded the piece of paper kinda afraid of what to expect.

"You like what you see beautiful? ;) xoxo Hunter." 

I rolled my eyes at the note he was so annoying... I wish he would just leave me alone...
It was half way through the period when I heard the shifting of desk I snap my head up to see people joining desk I shift mine alittle to the side to look as if I knew what was going on when I didn't. 

"Why are we moving desk?" I asked Zayn.

"Who knows the teacher probably read it in some magizine or something.." He explains shifting his desk slightly towards me.

"But what are we doing?" I ask him confusingly.

"I dunno semmester project thingy..." He says now fully pushing his desk right up on mine.

"Okay, now students you and your partner will have to work together over a period of 4 weeks." Our teacher says to us. Oh joy... What fun this will be..

5 minutes later and a piece of paper lands in the middle of my book... I look over to Hunter to see him hinding a smirk Really? Now?. My throat instantly tightens.. but before I can grab it, it was already in Zayn's hands. "No!-Give-me-Tha-" But before I could grab it he already opened it... Luckily I could read it cause our desk had been so close.

"Hey Princess... I can see you thinking about me... Too hard to focus on class... Sorry you got stuck with that freak but don't worry you can be all mine... ;) xoxo Hunter."

I was disgusted by that he's just so gross.. I quickly snatch the piece of paper out of Zayn's hands and put my face in my hands.. I'm so embarrassed... But then I saw Zayn stand up from the corner of eye. What's he doing?

"Hey Hunter." He yells across the room. Hunter looks at him with that genuine smirk on his face...

"Yeah?" Hunter says.

"Piss off." Zayn says and flicks the piece of paper towards him. By now Hunter is out of his seat and Zayn's nearly halfway across the room. 

"Mr Malik go to the office now!" Zayn didn't hesitate and got his books and left the room without even looking back...

Finally class was over and last period went through quick and it was now the end of the day. I quickly shoved all my books into my locker and bag and ran off to meet Amy in our usual spot. We start to walk back to her place and I told her what had happened in history. 

"Wait.. So let me get this straight? He told Hunter to piss off then threw the piece of paper at him or do I have that the other way around." She says almost trying to hide her sarcasm.

"I detect alot of sarcasm.."

"And then he got sent to the office for defending your honor?!?!" She says I just look down at a little stone petal.


"Omigod Ariana do you think he'll do something awful like write you a song?" She says with more sarcasm.

"What do you think I should do then?" I ask her.

"I think you should give him a shot. Or at least give someone a shot." She says to me. But I don't know... I've never been the dating type. And I don't even like Zayn in that way... Right?


Hellooooo Beautiful people sorry I haven't updated this in a while but I really hope you like it xx. I owe some credit to the boom Elementals Storm one of my favourite books and so yeah I really hope you like it :) 6 Votes for the next chapter xx
Linda xx
And hunter is to the left >>>> (If it works..)

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