six. why now?

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Ariana's P.O.V

"Ariana! Honey! Can you come down here for a second? I need to ask you something!" My dad yells out to me from down stairs in the kitchen.

"Coming! I'll be down in a sec!" I yell back. I close my laptop, which is also cutting off my 5 Seconds Of Summer. 
I walk into the kitchen to see my dad looking around franticly, what on earth is he doing?
"Uh dad?" I ask trying to get his attention away from the pots and pans.

"Ah! Darling, tonighter we are going out for dinner." He explains.

"Wow! What a shock, eating out." I say rolling my eyes, god dammit we haven't had a home cooked meal in months. 

"No, Ari, you didn't let me finish." He explains and takes a breathe. "Tonight, we are going out to dinner with one of your mothers.. Closests friends from when she was around. The Maliks? Does that ring a bell?" Maliks. No, no, no, no, no. 
"Anyway I've recently came into contact, with Patricia, and I thought it would be a slended idea with we all got together and had dinner." He explains with a smile on his face.

"Wait. What? What do you mean all of us? Who else is there?" I question him, yet a question still floated around my mind.

"Well, Patricia's son of course. Oh what was his name again. Uh- Zac? Zeke? Z-Zayn! Ah that's it! Patricia and her son Zayn. Don't you remember him sweety? You guys were very close friends? Patricia would love to talk to us about how we've been and some things about your mother aswell." My dad says to me, enough to get me completely mad.

"Ok. What I don't get dad is why now? Why? After 4 years of mum being dead, why all of a sudden does her friends want to be invovled, and why have you never talked about mum before you met her again. Dad mum died 4 years ago. 4 YEARS! And not once in those years have you mentioned anything about mum! Do you realise how much that hurts me?! It's like you didn't and don't care about mum dying! Because you don't do you! Not until Patricia comes and finally mentions her! Do you realise how hard its been for me. To never be able to speak about my own mother with my father?! Not because I never tried, but because YOU shut me out! You!" By now the tears were trailing down my face, onto my shirt. But I seriously could not care less right now. Why after all this time does dad think its okay to talk about mum.

"Are you joking Ariana?! I loved your mother! She was the other half of me and the love of my life! The reason why I never talked about her is because, every waking moment, every second of every day, I'm thinking about her. And obviously you do too. I just couldn't bear to say it all out loud okay?! I'm sorry I never talked much, but we are now so are you happy?!" My dad screams out at me.
"I-I'm sorry. Just." My dad sighs, head in his hands. "Just go get ready. We leave at 6." He says and walks away, back to fiddling with pots and pans. 

I run up to my room and put my face in my hands. I know I shouldn't be crying, but without my mum everythings, so, hard for me. Of course your mother dying is terrible but, she was the only person I could tell absolutely anything to. She was my rock. My, hero. It hurts everyday not seeing her. Hearing her beautiful voice every morning. Never being able to taste her amazing home cooked italian food. Having her comfort me after school, after being bullied. Yeah. My mum was the one who helped me through the bullying. She knew about Zayn. That was partically the reason of her never contacting Patricia. But I just don't understand.. Why now? Why?

I decide on wearing a subtle light pink dress that was tight around the hips, with my hair freshly straightened, with white heals and natural make up. I check the time, 6:00 exactly. Wow good job Ariana. I walk down the stairs to find my dad looking really cleaned up and nice. 

"Oh honey, you look gorgeous. I'm so terrible sorry about before. I didn't mean to shout at you before. A-And I'm so terribly sorry. For everything." My dad says with his head in his hands, and then his fingers through his hair. I run up and give him a hug. My dad is all I have left. My only family. I love him.

he's back. // z.n + a.gWhere stories live. Discover now