McCall pack

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Thomas i wake up to the sun shining in my face and birds chirping loudly. i look around " my " room.

getting a better look at the picture that surround my desk. and im shocked as i see my face staring right back at me. i see three girls and a boy in the photo.

the boy has his arm around me and the three girls are smiling. i recognise one of them as kira the girl i met yesterday. its pretty much that picture they took for senior year, except kira is in it.

i decide to ignore it as i get dressed for school. dumbfounded when most of the clothes fit me, the shirt was a bit tight tho sticking to me like a second skin showing of my abs.

i decide to put my flannel over me. just incase they could see my scars. im not ashamed but i cant be bothered to answer anyones questions.

i go downstairs, to my " dad " burning the food. hey dad i got it i say walking down the stairs. i don't even notice what i said. but when i look up to see the look on his face i falter.

what i ask confused. u just called me dad he says sadly. oh shit im sorry. no, no, its alright, u can call me that if u want he says giving me a smile. thx i say returning it.

oh and before i forget hears ur keys. he says. i have a car. ask. in disbelief. i run out to the front and see a blue jeep. its love at first sight. and for some weird reason i already have a name for it.


i park in front of the school and get out of the car. walking up to Minho. hey so u were made to come here too huh. yea he responds. its stupid wicked already taught us everything.

McCall pack

we all watch in shock as stiles gets out of his car, its like he doesn't recognise us. he goes right up to kira's twin. we listen in to there conversation.

completely confused, on what this wicked thing is. we walk in behind him. we catch his scent making sure it is stiles and were not just imagining it.


i turn around at the sound of a voice. stiles. i recognise the guy. he was the other kid in the photo.

the names, Thomas. and to be honest im starting to get really pissed off that i have to keep repeating that.

no ur stile the kid says. no im not. i say back reaching for my gun. Minho must have seen me cause he grabs my arm. stiles u cant shoot them were in a school.

i hear a bunch of gasp's. i look up to the group. and they look terrified. i look at Minho. can we just go i ask him. yea he says dragging me with him.


did stiles just try to shoot me I ask looking at the pack. the all nod there head, visibly shaken up.

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