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void pov

the liquid going down my throat startles me awake as i grip the other persons hand. my eyes shoot open, a malicious expression takes over my face. i use my other hand to grip the werewolfs neck, my nails clawing at the skin drawing blood. my eyes shine furious going black. get him off me, get him off me. i hear ethans frightened shouts. i laugh gleefully

someone pulls ethan away from me as i start to lose feeling in stiles body,i groan as i realise that i can no longer move, i look around the room as i state the obvious. kanima venom, nice touch. i lean back on the couch getting comfy as i watch my plan unfold. i look to the side as ethan roars getting his claws out.

u know they say that twins get a feeling, when the other ones in pain, u didnt lose that talent too did u. oh i hope not ur gonna need it. i say mockingly. i now notice all the other people in the room, my eyes going past scott, deaton, lydia and melissa hiding in the back.

my eyes roll back to ethans scare hopeless face. the feelings rushing of him are delicious. i hide my grin answering his expression, mockingly. ok ill give a little hint, ethans at the school i say almost sad that the game is coming to an end.

i chuckle leaning against the top of the couch as i watch ethan run out the door. oh i hope he gets there in time. i like the twins. i say thinking out loud. short tempers, homicidal compulsions. there alot more fun then u bakemono trying to save the world everyday.

i watch in amusement as melissa finally walks forward. i relish in her anger, sadness, and fear. she puts on a strong act. doc u brought something to paralyze his body u got something for his mouth. melissa says attitude deafening in her voice.

i scream loudly into the peice of tape as it settles on my mouth.

10 minutes later

void stiles pov

at this point i wish they'd "save" me faster, the lack of use of my powers for this act has me itching to use it or to kill someone. the hunger building up. i ignore melissa cleaning the blood on my head that i must have gotten after stiles fainted and use my enhanced hearing tuning in to the conversation the others were having in the kitchen

but the scroll said to change his body lydia comments. thats if i translated it correctly, were looking for a cure in something that might actually be nothing more then a proverb or a metaphor. deaton counters his usual wisdom type self.and what if he doesnt want it hes never asked to be a werewolf. scott says trying to be helpful. since when did u care scott, and what if it saves his life. what if it kills him. deaton counters again.

its almost banter except there juggling the thought of stiles life. it makes me giggle enternally. ive never done this before. scott says and that when i decide not to listen anymore wanting to kill myself at how boringly there falling into my trap.

instead i go back to glaring at melissa enjoying as i watch the uncertain expression on her face. another 10 minutes later and we hear a knock on the door. i keep my face nonchalant, not giving off any emotions. but as i see the person who's suppose to "help" stiles, my expression slightly gives way and suprise is evident on my face.


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