Part 43

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Justin's pov:

Me:what happened!?"

Kiara pulled out her phone and called and ambulance.

...Kate:she's had an allergic reaction!"

Me:to what!?"

Kate:peanuts! There was peanuts knocked onto her from the top level!"

Me:how allergic is she!?"

Kate:she could die!"

Me:Kiara! Where's that ambulance!?"

Kiara:it's on it's way!"

Kate pulled Daisy closer to her chest as Yaya came running up reaching into her purse.

Yaya:here! I have an epi pen! I have it for when I have allergic reactions! I got it today so i...t's not used."

Kate:oh my gosh, thank you so much! Wait, I dont know how to use an epi pen!"

Me:I do, here, pass me the pen!"

Yaya handed me the pen, and I took off the lid, Kate rose Daisy's skirt up so I could get to her thigh, then I pushed the needle in and injected the medicine.

The swelling around Daisy's face was still the same, but the pen should help.

Yaya:that should help till we can get her to the hospital."

Kate:again, Yaya, thank you so much!"

Yaya:your welcome, it helps to have an epi pen, you should really get one."

Kate:I know, but I dont know how to use it."

Yaya:it's easy."


Yaya:just take the cap off and push the needle into her leg then push the button the inject the medicine."

Kate:okay, thanks."

Yaya:no worries."

I heard the siren of the ambulance in the distance and in a matter of seconds, there was am ambula...nce outside the door, and two officers, a man and woman, were rushing in with a bag.

They took Daisy, even though Kate didn't want to let go, and checked her heart.

Woman:okay, can you please tell me what happened?"

Kate:she had an allergic reaction to peanuts when some fell onto her from the top level of the theatre."

Woman:has she had any reactions before?"

Kate:once when she was younger, but it was only mild, not like this, she only coughed and choked a little, but this time, her face swelled up and she passed out from not being able to breathe!"

Woman:okay, we have to take her back to the hospital to check her out, and we'll probably keep her over night."

Kate was starting to tear up, Kiara grabbed my arm and squeezed it tight.

I rubbed her back trying to calm her down, her face was pale white and she looked scared...

Kate:will she be okay?"

Woman:I dont know yet, we need to run a few tests."

Kate:but what if she dies? I dont want her to be dead!"

Woman:dont worry, she wont die, I promise."

Kate:you cant promise that!"

...Woman:fine, trust me then, I will do all I can to get her back to normal and I will not let her die, and if she does I will quit my job."

Kate:so your saying she might die!?"

Woman:no, what i'm saying is-"

Man:guys, she's-"

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