In The Beginning

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Y/N first came into the Steinfeld family's life when he held a party for his fellow race car drivers whether it be Formula 1 or NASCAR, they were all invited. 

Y/N was sitting on the couch, having a drink with his buddy Evan Richards. Evan was talking about which girl he was sleeping with this week. 

He noticed a guy sitting off to the side, looking slightly out of place. He patted Evan on the back as he stood up.

"Great story, why don't you tell Carlos about her?"

Y/N walked off as Carlos glared at him. He walked over to the guy offering him a drink.

"Don't think we've met before, I'm Y/N. Y/N Mooney."

"Griffin Steinfeld."

The two shook hands and started to get to know each other over a few drinks, Griffin getting drunk.

Since Y/N had only been drinking coke, he decided to bring Griffin home. When he arrived at Griffin's parents house, he got out and threw Griffin's arm around his shoulder. 

Griffin gave him the house key which he used to unlock the door before the two walked inside. A girl, around the same age as Y/N walked down the stairs.



Y/N smiled awkwardly as Griffin leaned against him.

'She's pretty.'

"Um Griffin had a bit too much to drink at the party. Can you show me his room?"


The girl led the way to Griffin's room with Y/N putting him in the bed as he passed right out. Y/N turns to the girl.


"No problem. Thanks for getting my brother home."

"It's the least I could do since we were drinking together."

"And you drove here?"

She raised an eyebrow as she put her hands on her hips.

"I only drank coke, party rules. If we drink at their house, they are the designated driver."

She nodded.

"I'm Hailee."


The two shook hands, Y/N quickly pulling away and wiping his hands on his pants.


She chuckled, finding the shyness sweet.

"It's okay."

"I-I should go."

"Well hopefully I will see you again."

"Yeah," he replied breathlessly as she kissed his cheek. 

A few weeks later, the Steinfeld family were sitting in the stands of a Formula 1 race after Y/N invited Griffin to come watch him race. 

"I'm going to go see him before he starts."

Griffin got up to go see Y/N.

"Can I come?"


Hailee joined her brother as they went to go see Y/N who was with his friend Evan. 

"Hey man."

Y/N and Evan turned around, stopping whacking their helmets against each other and they take them off.

"Hey Griffin, good to see you again. Hi Hailee..."

Hailee smiled waving at Y/N.

"Well who is this? I'm Evan pleasure to me you m'lady."

Y/N looked at his feet as Hailee looked at Evan before noticing Y/N with his head down.

"Hailee. I'm Griffin's sister and Y/N and I are going on date after the race so I'm not interested."

Y/N's head snapped up as he looked at Hailee who smirked before she walked over to him and giving him a hug as she kissed his cheek.

"Win for me?"

"Okay," he said breathlessly. 

Hailee and Griffin left as Y/N put his helmet back on. Y/N did win the race that day for Hailee and the two went on a date where they started their relationship.

Everything was amazing for the two of them. They quickly became Hollywood's favourite couple, taking the acting, music and racing industry by storm. 

They were endgame. Y/N and Hailee till the end. At least that's what everyone thought until everything changed.....

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