Everything Changes

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Y/N's race finished a day early so he has decided to surprise Hailee. He walks into a garage to pay for his gas and buy some flowers and a teddy bear. 

He gets back in his car, looking at the picture of him and Hailee on his phone with a smile before starting his car.

"I'm coming home baby girl," he says to himself.

He starts driving to Hailee's apartment building and parking his car before getting an elevator up to her floor. 

He takes out his key as he gets closer to the door. He unlocks the door quietly before closing it behind him.

He hears noise coming from the bedroom so he follows it. But the closer he gets, the more he wishes he never did. 

His heart starts to feel heavy, like a weight dragging it to the floor. A sick feeling begins to tug at his stomach as he twists the door knob.

In front of him, he sees the love of his life on top of another man's dick. He closes his eyes before looking at the glass sculpture he made of the two of them.

He grabs the sculpture, smashing it on the ground which startles the other two in the room. Hailee quickly moves off the guy's dick, getting dressed. 

"Y/N....baby...this...it's not-"

"I think it's exactly what it looks like."

He looks up from the smashed glass pieces to look at the man.

"Get out before I have every NASCAR and F1 driver here in a matter of minutes."

Not taking his chances, the guy gets his clothes on before leaving. Hailee tears up as she looks at the stone cold face of her boyfriend. 

"Y/N I-"

"How long?"


He takes a deep breath to calm himself.

"How long have you been cheating on me?"

She gets up and walks to him but he takes a step back. When she tries to move forward he stops her with his hand.

"Careful there's glass."

He takes her hand, walking over to bed where they sit down. He looks to his right as she continues to cry.

He sighs, reaching forward and wiping her tears away. She holds his hand as he strokes her cheek before he moves his hands to his lap, fidgeting with them.

"Be honest with me Hails. How long have you been sleeping with him behind my back?"

She sighs.

"Three months...."

He scoffs and shakes his head.

"Three months.....fuck..."

He runs his hands through his hair.

"It didn't-"

"Don't Hailee. Don't say it didn't mean anything because if it really didn't you would have never fucking done it."

She nods.

"You're right but I promise I won't do it again."

"Why did you do it? Be honest."

"I don't even know why I did it....I have you, an amazing boyfriend but I still felt like something was missing."

"So why not just talk to me Hailee?!"

Y/N stands up angrily as he begins to pace.

"I don't know...I was stupid. But we can-"

"We can't...."

He sighs looking at her.

"You're right you won't do it again....because we're done....I just hope the past three years meant the same to you as me before you turned to another man......"

He starts walking for the door as she follows closely behind, tugging at his jacket to try stop him.

"No Y/N please! This can't be it for us!"

He turns to look at her as he reaches the door.

"I'll have Griffin pick up my stuff. If Evan did he'd kill you."

"But we're endgame Y/N/N!"

"We are Hails....and the game has ended...."

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