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Two months later, Y/N has just left Griffin's house after getting his stuff from him with the help of Evan. 

He drives by all the places him and Hailee use to hang out getting wasted. He can't help but think of their last kiss, how it felt...the way she tasted.

Even though Griffin told him that she was doing fine, he couldn't help but wonder if she was lonely without him or if she reads to the letters he use to write her.

"You okay Y/N? You seem very in your head."

"I can't help but feel like it was all a lie, you know?"

"Like if it was real, how can she be fine while you're not?"

Y/N nods as him and Evan pull up outside his house, bringing stuff inside. As they start putting stuff around the house, Y/N continues their conversation.

"I just wish I could wake up with amnesia and forget about the stupid little things like how it felt to fall asleep next to her and the memories I can't seem to escape."

"It only makes sense to feel that way. You guys were together for a long time, she hurt you and you don't wanna remember that."

"I think that's the wisest thing that ever came out of your mouth."

They both laugh before continuing their work. 

Hailee is sitting on her couch with Anna and Ella. The two of them have been comforting her after the break up.

"I still remember the day he left, the tears running down his face. All because of me...I left behind dreams because I felt like I didn't need them."

"Not to mention all the wishes you both made."

"You're not helping Ella."

Ella raises her hands.

"Sorry just saying."

Hailee scrolls through the pictures he sent her, they still live on her phone. She still likes to see them because she feels so alone.

"It's hard to hear his name when I haven't seen him in two months."

"Well what would you do if today you woke up right beside him like this was all some twisted dream?"

"I'd hold him closer than I ever did before and he'd never slip away."

Two days later, Y/N is being interviewed just before his race not knowing Griffin and Hailee are in the crowd.

"So Y/N, you're starting in No. 11 today and your teammate Evan is two spots behind you. Are you feeling lucky?"

"No but all I can do is my best."

"Are you going to be winning today for Hailee?"

Y/N looks down at his feet, they hadn't made it public information yet that they'd broken up.

"I won't be doing that anymore."

"Why not?"

"We broke up two months ago."

"Any reason why?"

"It's not my place to say. I still hold a huge amount of love and respect for Hailee but I can't be with her anymore and that's all anyone needs to know unless she chooses to say otherwise."

The interviewer nods.

"Do you have any pre-race traditions?"

Y/N laughs holding his chest, looking in the direction of Evan who is giving his own interview.

"Yeah we do. We hit our helmets off each other's a few times."

The interviewer joins in Y/N's laughter.

"Well thank you for talking to me today Y/N. Good luck on your race."

"Thank you."

He waves goodbye before heading to talk to his pit crew. Not long after he gets there, Evan walks over and they put on their helmets before hitting them off each other. 

Everyone gets into their cars and their places, waiting for the race to begin. The race begins and Y/N manages to swerve past one car keeping close to the edge. 

After most of the rounds, Y/N is now in fourth. Before he can get past the next car, someone hits his car from behind and he struggles to get it under control.

"It looks like Mooney is struggling. Oh no, never mind, he's back."

Y/N regains control, out passing the car that had hit him. He misjudged his turn and the back right tire hits the curb sending his car spinning and flipping through the air before crashing hard. 

"Mooney is down!"

The car ignites at the back as the EMTs rush over to the car, they manage to drag Y/N out and get everyone away before the car explodes. 

Y/N lays unconscious on the grass as the EMTs check him over before he is rushed to the hospital.  

Avery, Theo and Griffin are sitting in the relative's room when Evan rushes in, getting there as quick as he could after the race.

"Any word?"

"Nothing yet."

Evan looks at Griffin with a glare.

"This is all your stupid sister's fault."

"Don't talk about my sister that way."

Griffin stands up.

"If she wasn't such a whore then Y/N would've been on his A game."

"My sister isn't a whore!"

"She cheated on Y/N! He was only ever good to her!"


Avery stands up and looks at the two men in each other's faces.

"You are both Y/N's friends and he wouldn't any of this. So sit down and shut up. Both of you."

Both of them grunt before sitting down away from each other. Avery goes to sit back beside her husband when the doctor walks in.

"Mister and Missus Mooney?"

"That's us."

Theo stands up, putting his hand on his wife's back.

"I'm sorry for the wait. Y/N has broken both legs so he will need a wheelchair and then he will need therapy to try walking again. He-"

"Is that all?"

"No. He broke his right arm too and his head was severely injured. Unfortunately, we won't know what might be wrong until he wakes up. He is expected to make a full recovery."

"What's the worst that could happen when he wakes up?"

"There's a chance he might have amnesia. We just have to hope it's not too severe. But other than that, I don't think anything worse can happen. We stopped all the bleeding so he should be okay apart from possible amnesia."

"Thanks Doc. Can we see him?"

"Not yet, the nurses are finishing up. I say half an hour and you will be able to see him. He'll be in room 137 when he's done, you can wait there."

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