PART TWO: L'manburg!

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The lower the district, the higher the crime, and the poorer the living circumstances.
🟢= Lower district
🔵= Middle district
🟣= Higher district

🟢District 15: The lowest
Bench trio lives here. There is more crime than anywhere else in L'manburg (besides maybe dstrc13) and is filled with a lot of vigilantes

🟢District 14: Very low
Very poor. Can barely afford clothes and food.

🟢District 13: Quite low
This district has been nicknamed 'Snowchester' because it is the only place in L'manburn that gets snow, it's mainly filled with warehouses as the cold weather made most people leave

🟢District 12: Quite low
This is where the park is. (That will be important in later chapters:) )

🟢District 11: Quite low
I have no clue what to put in this description- there's nothing interesting about it.

🟢District 10: Low
Nothing interesting here either:x

🔵District 9: Middle
This is where Tommy works.

🔵District 8: Middle
Most populated area, also the biggest. This has a munch of hotels, apartments, and houses. +Dream's house

🔵District 7: Middle
This is where the capital is, like city hall n' shit

🟣District 6: Higher

🟣District 5: Pretty High
This is where Las Nevadas is!

🟣District 4: Very high
Most of the snobs who think their good but their honestly really mid.

🟣District 3: Extremely high
The hero buildings are here, no houses so it's a pretty small area.

🟣District 2: Extremely high
Most hero's and really rich ppl live here, though it's also a good place for tourists.

🟣District 1: The highest
The Sbi lives here.

WHERE THE CYCLE ENDS, EXTRA!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن