Chapter three-Yakko- Changes

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Chapter three-Yakko


Yakko felt like he might've gone blind, they had been in the Darkness of the Water Tower for decades the brightness of the sun was overwhelming to him, then he noticed Wakko, they were lying face down on the ground, Yakko felt his heart stop for a second, Wakko had easily grown two times their normal size, Yakko looked at himself, he was purple, the same shade Wakko had turned in 1960, he also had spawned a Vest... And hair. Dot had run over to Wakko, she was also purple, with hair... And a new jacket. She let a sigh of relief out. Wakko was breathing. Yakko went over to his siblings, he already started hearing the shouting of people below. Yakko and Dot helped Wakko onto their feet and gave them some support. "You good?" Yakko asked, "I've been better" Wakko responded, "you guys look different," they said, confused, "really, I could say the same for you" Dot responded, Yakko noticed her new hair, it swept across her face (really impractical if you asked him) and poofed out at the sides (that at least was normal) but it was really shiny, same with Wakko's they mostly just got a tuft at the front of their head and it fits perfectly into a hole in their hat. Wakko looked basically the same, except their sweater had become a zipped-up jacket with the sleeves ripped off(not very practical but OK), also fishnet sleeves.

From the ground Yakko heard screams, the trio moved to the edge looking over the railing, people were pointing at the tower screaming about how it had literally just exploded open, then they saw the warners, people had started screaming about them. Yakko had stopped caring about what people thought of him. His heart had hardened and filled itself with rage, "shall we find Plotzie?" Yakko asked his siblings Dot's face spread into a mischievous grin, her teeth had become extremely sharp. "I never thought you'd ask," she said, Wakko nodded in agreement.

The trio jumped to the ground, he grabbed his sibling's hands and stormed through the crowd, they shove their way through people and toons alike, (some of which Yakko recognized from before they were locked up), more rage set in, why were these toons allowed to walk free while he and his siblings were locked away in a water tower for sixty years. They were next, after Plotz and Memlo of course. Yakko slammed the doors of Plotz's office open, the receptionist looked up from her magazine she was pretty and had light brown hair, she didn't look any older than 20, she wouldn't know who they were, "who are you, and do you have an appointment with Mr Plotz?" she said sounding bored like she hated her job, Yakko shared the sentiment, when he had worked at WB he had hated the conditions he and his siblings worked under, non-stop takes, "who we are isn't important" Yakko said, "but we do have an appointment, he said he'd see us 60 years ago." Yakko added bitterly, the receptionist raised an eyebrow and shrugged, she clearly didn't care enough to double-check the fact that these children had a 60-year wait for a meeting with the CEO, she stood up and beckoned that the Warners follow her, when they got to Plotz's office doors she said "just go in, he's just getting some paperwork done" Yakko inhaled deep, then he reached for the knob, the door opened to the same office he had stormed out of six decades ago, it looked the exact same, the same narcissistic painting of Plotz on the wall behind his desk, the same (probably fake) plant in the corner, and two chairs in front in front of his desk, Plotz glanced up from his paperwork, he did a double take, the terror in his eyes shone, "hey Plotzie, missed us?" Yakko said "H-how did you get out" Plotz stuttered, for a man of his age, he looked terrible. He had to be what 90? He had been about 20 in the 30's inheriting the company from his father, "I exploded our way out" Wakko said, their eyes starting to glow, "how? I intentionally made ACME labs make it so you couldn't use your toon Powers in there" Plotz said knitting his eyebrows, "t'wasn't toon powers, just bottled-up emotions and trauma" Wakko said shrugging. Plotz hit a button on his desk "Ralph, there are some intruders in my office, please come and remove them" Plotz said not taking his eyes off the warners, "oh no no no no Plotzie, we haven't had our fun yet, Dot Remove him from the chair, and Wakko, do your thing" Yakko ordered, his sibling nodded, Dot jumped over the desk and grabbed the chair and spun it away, Wakko hit the same Button and said "Ralph, don't actually come up here, I've got it covered" in a Perfect Plotz impression, when Plotz stopped spinning he said "h-how did you do that, like sound like me" sounding even more terrified, "well I needed SOMETHING to do for six decades" Wakko said sounding like themself again. "What are we gonna do now Yakko?" Dot asked,

"Let's give him hell," Yakko said, his eyes shimmering, Wakko started to glow and Dot Pulled her Hot-pink bat out of her hammerspace,

"I've been waiting for this moment for sixty years," Dot said.

A/N: Hey y'all! I hope you're enjoying reading this as much as I love writing this :)

Hello Nuse, and Scratchy & the rest are coming soon DW, they have a big part to play >:)

Anyways talk to ya next week :) 

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