Ch. 13, Uncomfortable

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Nellie sat once more on the couch, this time curled back up under the blanket. She was hesitant to let Emily leave to go down the hall to finish papers with Maggie. JJ had volunteered to stay with Nellie as she finished her paperwork at her desk.

Nellie's brain was numb and her eyes were still glossed over from earlier. The cool blue orbs fixated on JJ's fingers flipping through manila folders; the steady rhythm causing her to fall into a trance. JJ peered upwards hoping the teen had snapped out of the state she was in, but to her demise, the small girl was still frozen.

"Hey Nellie," JJ spoke softly, trying to line her eyes up with the teenagers. "Nellie?"

Nellie abruptly shook her head awake and drew in a quick breath at her name, "Hmm, yeah. What's up?"

"When was the last time you had some water?" JJ asked in a motherly tone.

"Maybe two hours ago," Nellie shrugged, time seeming like an illusion today.

"Why don't you drink some more?" JJ suggested, "The doctors said you would need to up your intake the next few days."

"I finished what I had," Nellie stuttered, afraid of JJ's reaction.

JJ gave a comforting smile, "How about I get you some more?"

"That would be nice," Nellie smiled, "But I could get it myself. I'm sure it would be nice to stretch."

"I'll go with you, okay?" JJ stood up.

Nellie nodded, watching JJ's eyes scan her body movements for any signs that the girl was figuring out an escape plan. Nellie knew the blonde agent didn't fully trust her yet not to sprint off, and Nellie understood. She didn't trust herself either.

It was a quick trip down the hall, but the impact of Nellie's lash-out earlier lingered on the faces and hushed voices of people talking. Nellie ducked her head down, trying to avoid eye contact with all the adults in business suits who were so quick to judge. JJ noticed the change in body behavior and softly pressed her hand on Nellie's back protectively. Nellie wished she had stayed behind in that office. Her confidence was down and the short journey had only pressed more thought into her head of how different she was from those around her. While they all dealt with crime, death, and the haunted parts of life, they were on different sides. Nellie shuddered as the door closed back to the office and the cool water escaped from the bottle and passed through her lips.

"I'm sorry about everyone here," JJ apologized as she shuffled files on her desk.

"It's okay," Nellie shrugged, "I'm used to it."

"It doesn't make it okay," JJ paused looking Nellie in the face, "You understand that?"

"Mmhmm," Nellie nodded, trying to ignore the lump in her throat.

JJ felt her phone buzz and pulled it out checking the new message, "Morgan says he has your belongings. He's wondering if he can bring it by?"

"Yeah," Nellie whispered, "It would be nice to get into something of my own."

Morgan was at the door a few minutes later. For a bulky man, Morgan was extremely quiet and gentle as he sat down in front of Nellie. Nellie lowered her knee from under her chin and set her hands in her lap as she saw her bag of belongings. Nellie's eyes darted from her belongings to Morgan and back, anxiety bubbling up over if she could just grab her things.

As if Morgan read her mind he put a hand up, "Hey, it's okay. All of it is yours. Everything should be here. The cops did search it all, but I made sure they put it all back, okay?"

Nellie nodded, "Thank you."

"Of course," Morgan nodded. "One more thing, your phone. I have it here, but it's broken beyond use. We found it in Matt's car."

Nellie's jaw tensed remembering the moment Matt dragged her out and her phone slid from her hand. He smashed it in front of her as her tears ran from her eyes and cracked against the dirt on her cheeks. Nellie had so much life saved to that device.

Morgan saw the look of despair crashing down upon Nellie's face, "Hey baby girl, it's okay. I checked and the card in it was still good. I had Garcia look into it and nothing was lost."

Nellie's eyebrows arched as Morgan reached into his pocket and pulled out a device.

"Here," Morgan handed over her old phone and a new one, "It's my old one. It works fine and is a newer one than the one you had. Garcia helped me get it set up. It should be just like your old one."

Nellie felt tears threatening her eyes, but she held them back, "Thank you. You didn't need to do this."

"I wanted to," Morgan said. "It's the least I can do."

Nellie chuckled under her breath, "Thanks."

"I also went ahead and put my contact info in," Morgan spoke, "And Garcia put in the rest. I know you don't really know me or anyone else on the team that well, but I want you to know you can always reach out if you need something."

Nellie just nodded, biting her lip.

"And that also goes for me," JJ spoke up, "Always can call or text me if you need anything."

"Okay," Nellie spoke, "Thank you."

Derek awkwardly stood up unsure of how to say goodbye to the girl for now, but Nellie beat him to it, throwing her arms around the man's torso. Derek held the girl for a few seconds feeling her shaking. Nellie closed her eyes, she felt protected in a way she hadn't in a long time. When the two pulled away, Derek put out his hist and Nellie gingerly bumped it.

"See you later, kid," Derek smiled.

Nellie had to admit she liked Derek. Despite him tackling her the other day, he seems genuinely caring and protective. Same with JJ. She seemed like someone that would hold you while you cried over a bad day and somehow convince you everything would be okay. Nellie could use some good people in her life like them.

The next hour and a half went by much faster. Nellie switched out of sweatpants and t-shirt and opted into her blue jeans that hung around her ankles and a burnt orange knit top. Her dirty black Converse clung to her feet like socks, but it was nice to feel like herself. She was lost in a hurricane right now. There were too many intense feelings blowing around her, too many changes flooding her brain making it unable to think clearly, and she couldn't find the light in the darkness.

Down the hall, Emily knocked on Hotch's office door and walked in. The man's dark stern eyes met Emily's soft brown ones.

"Hey," Emily spoke, approaching his desk, "Here are my papers from the case. I filed the rest. I was about to head out and just wanted to check in."

"Thanks," Hotch spoke, taking the folder from Emily, "Did you get everything sorted out for Nellie?"

"Yeah," Emily shook her head, the corners of her lips pressing together, "We got her approved for an emergency placement with me. My old friend is a lawyer and is gonna help fast-track everything so hopefully we can get her more permanent placement with me."

"That's good," Hotch tried to hide his smile, "She needs someone like you in her life."

Emily smirked, "I don't know. And I don't know what I am doing. I've never really had a kid stay with me long term."

"You'll figure it out," Hotch reassured Emily, "You always know how to connect with kids."

"Yeah, I guess," Emily said. "She will need a lot of support."

"How about you take at least the next few days to get Nellie settled," Hotch suggested, "I'm sure you will have lots to do."

"Yeah, okay," Emily nodded, tucking her thumbs in her pockets, "There is a lot. Thank you for that."

"My pleasure," Hotch nodded.

"Okay," Emily sighed, "I'm going to get going. Make sure you also leave soon."

"I will," Hotch smiled, "Good luck, Emily."

"Thanks," Emily smiled back.

Emily walked down the hall after gathering her bag and her jacket. She knocked and opened the door to find JJ sitting at her laptop and Nellie scribbling down words in an olive-green journal.

"Hey," Emily greeted. "I see Morgan got you your things. Oh and good, he got his old phone for you."

"Yeah," Nellie smiled, "That was unnecessary of him, but I appreciate it so much."

"Is Hotch still in his office?" JJ asked.

"Yeah," Emily nodded, "I just spoke to him."

"Okay," JJ replied, "I'm gonna go talk to him. Are you going to be heading out for the night?"

"Yeah, yeah we are," Emily looked to Nellie who sat up straight.

"Well, I'll say goodbye now then," JJ smiled. "Have a good night both of you. Let me know if you need anything. That goes especially for you, Nellie. Got it?"

"Mmmhmm," Nellie picked at her nails, "Thank you for everything today."

"Of course," JJ smiled, "You will need to come visit me here."

Nellie giggled at that as JJ squeezed Nellie's shoulder and said her goodbyes to Emily.

Once JJ was gone, Nellie spoke up, "So, I'm going with you?"

"Yeah, um," Emily raised her eyebrows, "I got you placed with me as an emergency placement. There is a whole bunch of paperwork to make sure you stay in DC and with me, but I have lawyer friend who will help with that. So don't worry. It will all go through."

Nellie tried to nod, but another part of her deep down knowing this was probably only temporary.

Emily observed the teen and her brow furrowed at the sight of Nellie's tethered shoes and short pants. Each time she had seen the girl, her clothes looked a bit too small and awkward on her body. Nellie could feel Emily's eyes on her and subconsciously crossed her arms over her chest.

Emily spoke up sensing Nellie was uncomfortable, "Ready to get going."

"Yeah, Nellie replied.

As the pair walked to the elevator and headed down to the garage, Nellie became more and more self-aware and embarrassed as she clung to the black trash bag with all of her life inside it. It felt out of place in this building. In the elevator, Nellie pushed the bag behind her body hoping no one else would see it. Emily looked down and frowned at the action knowing the teen was either being protective or was embarrassed. Either way, Emily placed her arm around Nellie's back and her hand on the girl's shoulder reassuring her she wasn't alone. Nellie scooted closer to Emily.

As they reached the parking garage, Emily lead the girl over to where she had parked. Nellie frowned half expecting Emily to drive a large government-issued SUV. Instead, Emily drove a small black Prius. Nellie wasn't sure why she felt caught off guard by this as she knew Emily lived in DC and having a smaller car was always beneficial. Emily unlocked the car and the pair got in, Nellie refusing to place her bags anywhere, but between her feet. The car was clean, spotless even, with cream-colored leather seats that still held their new car scent. Nellie looked down  once again seeing the dirt of her clothes contrast against the seat below her. Emily began driving and Nellie turned her head to look outside.

For being almost 5 pm in winter, the sun was approaching the horizon and the sky glowed behind a cloudy winter haze. The rich orange and magenta bled through the sky and created a speckled pattern against the clouds almost looking like the sea of rear headlights on the busy highway. Nellie looked past the glow and above at the endless blue and purple sky with glimmers of sparkles flickering. It calmed her.

The soft instrumental NPR theme rang in the background as Emily continued driving back into the city. Emily kept quiet, not wanting to push Nellie too far. The girl seemed to need time to just be. Nellie hadn't seen daylight since she lay on the cold forest floor begging for her life.She wanted to open the car windows and scream at the top of her lungs to let out all the anger and pain swarming her body like fruit flies. But she didn't. Instead, Nellie closed her eyes and rocked herself to the rhythm of the road. She felt out of place and had just agreed to stay with a woman she truly didn't know. She had always lived with people she didn't know, but right now it felt different.

When Nellie opened her eyes again, the car was moving slower as Emily drove down a residential street with small restaurants and shops lingering throughout it. Nellie looked up at the building that Emily was slowly pulling into. It was about six stories and had a dark red brick exterior with white and copper detailing. It was not too big, not too small, but this building was still in a part of DC Nellie had never associated herself with. Everything was nice, sugarcoated, safe, and clean. Her heart shriveled, feeling far away from home even though she knew she was only a few miles away from where she grew up.

Emily parked and waited for Nellie to gather her belongings.

"Ready?" Emily asked holding her keys in her hand.

"Yep," Nellie nodded, hoisting her backpack onto her bruised back.

The lobby of the building had a checker-patterned floor with dark green sofas and planters full of ferns. Nellie's eyes widened at the sight. Red floral scones illuminated the walls. It was fancy. It was perfection. 

"Come on," Emily motioned to the elevator. "So I live up on the third floor. I'll get you a key.
 There isn't a doorman, but you need a card to get into the front door or through the side. It's pretty secure and the street is honestly pretty quiet for DC."

"Nice," Nellie nodded looking at her reflection in the brass paneling inside the elevator. 
Nellie held her breath as Emily lead her to the end of the hallway and clicked her key in the door until the heavy door opened. A beeping rang out as Emily typed in a code and the space grew silent. Nellie had shuffled herself in and tucked her small body behind the door waiting for Emily. Emily flicked the light switches on and set her bag down to remove her coat and shoes. Nellie did the same but placed her items back in the bag. The motion didn't go unnoticed by Emily who pretended not to see.

"Okay," Emily placed her hands together, "How about I show you where everything is and you can get settled?"

"Sure," Nellie shrugged.

"Okay," Emily spoke, "So it's a pretty simple layout. There are two bedrooms and they each have a bathroom. Then there is one-half bath right here."

Emily led Nellie out of the main hall and into the kitchen. Nellie looked around at the tan checkerboard floor tile and the dark green cabinets and marble counters. A little window overlooked a small courtyard that let some light in that melted into the warm lights from above and under the upper cabinets.

"This is the kitchen," Emily told Nellie, "There isn't always food in the fridge, but we can get better at that. When it's just me, I tend to opt for takeout. But I always have a ton of coffee and tea to choose from. Around the corner is the eating nook."

Nellie appeared in the dusty blue colored room with artwork crowding the walls. Emily walked through the other end of the kitchen and out to where the hallway they had been in earlier met them. Nellie looked around the space. Large windows with thick curtains covered one of the walls.

"This is the living room," Emily informed Nellie, "I am a bit of a TV and movie fanatic so I am in here a lot. The sectional is extremely comfy. I have accidentally slept here multiple nights. "

Nellie smiled and looked around. This place was nice, really nice. It was impeccably clean and decorated. She didn't fit in here. But she smiled and looked around. The crème sectional shined against the large moracin rug that lay on top of the rich wood floors. It did look inviting, and Nellie did smile to herself hoping she could get to a place where she could easily relax here.

"And over here," Emily spoke, "This is my favorite room."

Nellie watched the largest smile flood Emily's face. Her eyes lit up as she led the girl over to the next room connected by French doors. Nellie's face lit up when she walked inside.

"This is my office and library," Emily smiled, "I'd always wanted a room like this to my own."

Nellie's mouth opened with a gasp as she placed her bag down and walked up to the wooden floor-to-ceiling built-in book shelves. The room was dark and had rich magenta accents that highlighted the binding on the ends of the books. Nellie's fingers fluttered over the titles as she noticed many were not in English; which puzzled her. Emily stood back watching the childhood awe take over the teenager, almost making Emily emotional.

"I take it you like to read?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, I love it," Nellie said her eyes continuing to look through the book titles. "But I mostly write since it's hard to keep books on you as a foster kid and school libraries don't let you take many home."

"Please feel free to read any of them that you want," Emily smiled.

Just then Nellie about jumped and pressed her back against the shelves as something brushed against her legs. Nellie looked down at the sound of a small meow to see a black cat circling her.

"Oh my gosh," Emily grimaced, "I completely forgot to tell you. I have a cat. Do you like cats? I'm so sorry."

"No worries," Nellie laughed crouching down to pet the creature. "I love cats. What's his name?"

"This is Sergio," Emily informed Nellie, "He's a love. He'll be happy to have someone else here."

"Hi Sergio," Nellie grinned as she scratched the cat's head.

"Okay," Emily sighed, "How about we get you to your bedroom so you can get settled and I can figure out something for us to eat? Sound good?"

"Mhmm," Nellie shook her head.

Emily led Nellie through the living room and down a short hallway with a door on either side.

"This room over here is mine," Emily gestured, "And right here is your room."

Emily opened up the door and Nellie followed the older woman in. Nellie's eyes once again went wide. The room was a soft pale green with white crown molding on the ceiling, two thin tall windows overlooked the street below, and a queen bed with white bedding and a decorative quilt sat upon the dark wood floors and plush rug. Nellie was in awe. It was the nicest room she had even been allowed to stay in.

"I know it's a bit plain," Emily spoke scared of getting no response from the teen, "I figure you can decorate it the way you want to. We should get you a desk to do homework at and maybe a few shelves. We can sort that out. There is a small closet over here and the bathroom is through that door."

"No, it's lovely," Nellie gulped, before quietly uttering, "It's nicer than anything I've had."

"Well, it;'s yours," Emily spoke, "I hope you can enjoy it here."

"I hope so too," Nellie smiled turning to face Emily. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," Emily was caught off guard by how emotional she felt, "So, I'm starving and I only can imagine you must be too. So, why don't we order something to eat and tomorrow we can go to the store. Do you like Chinese food?"

"Yeah," Nellie smiled, "Fried rice and sesame chicken are my favorites."

"Well, I'll order you that," Emily grinned, "We have a great place down the street. I'll leave you to unpack and get settled."

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